Thursday, June 29, 2006

Baby update

I just talked to Pavel. They're still not giving the baby to Tanya, and they've started feeding him through a tube. Pavel asked for prayer that he would be able to eat on his own, and that the doctors would leave him alone. He said he and Tanya are really unsure about whether the baby really needs this or if the doctors just want bribes. And of course, keep praying that they'll let Tanya be with him. It seems like it would help so much if the poor little guy could see his Mama!

Also, I talked to Will. . . kind of. The connection was really bad. I think that he said he was standing at the bus, seeing off the first group of kids. He mentioned that Ivan had taken Anna and Abby back to Viazniki last night to register. That's all I know. I assume the girls will be returning to Sudogda?

(By the way, please leave comments! I still don't have email completely worked out, so it's our only communication.)


amazing journeys said...

Oh my about Tanya and Pavel...I don't know may be it depends on the hospital or city but in our area husbands are allowed at the birth and after and all of that. My friends just had a baby 2 weeks ago and they said the nurses and doctors really shape up if the husband is there...Hope Mama can see her little baby soon...

Anonymous said...

OUr hearts hurt for Tanya and Pavel, and we are praying for all of them.

Carrie said...

I hope you got the post with Anna's number.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Poor Tanya & Pavel. We are praying for their little baby boy. Are things really that bad in the hospital that they would require bribes in a situation like this? I can't imagine. I can fully understand why you chose to have Raia and Jaan at home!
Thanks for the tea suggestion! It's funny, I REALLY want tea, so I'm excited that I've possibly found a solution.
I have so much I want to talk to you about!! You aren't planning to come home in the next 7 or more months are you? =)
Please pass on our love and prayers to Pavel and Tanya.