(I moved this over from our willphyl.com site. Our blog actually started in June 2005.)Jaan turned three weeks old yesterday!He's getting bigger and more alert every day. His first doctor visit was Friday. The pediatrician came to us, which was really nice. We have a healthy little boy! Sunday he went to church for the first time. We actually ended up spending most of the day away from home, and he did fine. Everyone loved seeing him. I think we wore him out, because he slept even better than usual that night, too.
Right now we're trying to register Jaan and get him a birth certificate. That's complicated by two things: one, Jaan was born at home, and, two, we're foreigners. (There's also a third complication, bureaucracy!) Will has made two trips to the registration office, and right now he's at a notary. The first time Will went to register, it was late in the day, and they weren't accepting anyone, even though the office was still officially open. Today he got in, but they wanted notarized translations of our marriage license and passports. Will's trying to get those now. Then, he'll have to try again, and they told him it would be best if he brought a witness, like our midwife. We'll see what happens next! Please pray that we can do this without any further problems.