We're leaving for Poland in a few hours!
For those who love details (hi, Mom!

), I'll tell you a little more. We'll take a marshrutka (van/bus) to Zaporozhye and get on an overnight train to Kiev there. We'll arrive in Kiev tomorrow morning. Then we have a "layover" for most of the day; our train to Krakow doesn't leave until evening. Unfortunately, we'll get into Krakow on Wednesday too late to turn in our documents, and we found out that the Ukrainian consulate there is closed on Thursdays, so we'll be applying for our visas Friday morning. If things go as fast as rumors say, we might get our visas back that afternoon, and then travel home Saturday-Monday. If not, we'll stay in Poland over the weekend and come back early next week.
Honestly, I haven't been too excited about this trip. I used to love traveling, especially in Eastern Europe, but I must have lost that somewhere. Maybe I was hoping for an easy trip to some exotic place a little too much this time? Oh, well! The saving grace of Krakow is that I get to meet Karen Glass of Ambleside Online fame. I can't wait!
Bye for now! Please be praying for us as we travel.