Last week I went to Kyiv and back. After having so much trouble getting ready to travel, the trip itself went quite smoothly. I hadn't forgotten about the January 8-24 lockdown, but I had subconsciously thought that "essential" meant what
I would need to prepare for a trip. Once I got past getting everything ready and actually got moving, the only inconvenience of the lockdown for me was that there was nowhere to sit or wait around, since all restaurants and coffee shops could do takeout only. The weather was a bit too cold and wet just to stand outside, too.
When my train arrived in Kyiv it was still too early for my embassy appointment, so I got some food and stood around some, but then I decided to start walking, instead of just standing. And I walked all the way to the embassy. I was still early, but--wonder of wonders--they let me in. My time there was weird, but I was able to turn in applications for both Will's passport and mine. Our new passports should be delivered to us soon, and then we'll be able to start and restart several document processes that we need to work out. After the embassy I ran an errand for a friend and then went out to the hotel by the clinic. That was as nice as I could have expected. They did pack a breakfast for me to take with me early the next morning, exactly as I had hoped.
At the clinic everything went quickly and smoothly, too. I had CT scans, and then waited for them to be processed. When we got results I had an appointment with my doctor. She said that everything looks good from the scans and her very thorough examination. I did think it was funny when she said that she wasn't ready to put me on a yearly checkup schedule, but that 6 months would be too soon... so, come back in 7-8 months. As if that's so much more than 6? Anyway, we're very thankful. All went well, and everything looks good. A whole year has gone by since I finished treatment. I think that's the anniversary I'll celebrate, even though a year ago I wasn't done with cancer yet. Finishing treatment was a big milestone, and it's a concrete one to remember.
After that it was so nice just to sit in the clinic's restaurant and watch the beautiful snowfall. (Their restaurant can work, because it's a "cafeteria for workers" and "hospital kitchen.") It was just gorgeous; honestly, almost everyone who came in oohed and aahed and took photos and videos. I wasn't the only one enjoying it. Then I had to go back in to Kyiv, and I really froze in the weirdly empty train station. But then I baked in the train and finally got home the next morning.

The other highlight of recent days was that last Sunday a family from church invited us over. There's a group of families that gets together every year on or near Baptism, and this year they included us. We had a wonderful time! We've all been missing family times like this, since our various foreign friends moved away. We ate together, played games, talked, and had a great time. And it was cold outside; "Baptism Frosts" (the traditional extra cold weather around Epiphany) were real this year. (My poor duck got her wing frozen to her house, but Jaan chiselled her out.)
Other news: Will's on a break from his allergy treatment. He was supposed to be moving up to a full dose now, but before he could do that, he developed a rash on his feet. It doesn't itch or bother him at all, but his doctor said to stop the medicine for a week to see if it goes away. Of course, we won't know if any of this is working until late summer when allergy season starts. We hope and pray, though!
I'm taking an online college course through the local Bible institute and really enjoying it so far, even if it seems like a whole lot of reading and writing. It probably isn't objectively a lot, but it has been a really long time since I have had assigned readings and homework deadlines to meet.
And that's about it here, I think. I'm so thankful to be cancer-free a year out from finishing treatment!