Yes, I said mentioned a snake! (Wildlife is pretty rare in Russia, so I get even more excited about it here than anywhere else. Did I tell you that Jaan and I saw a musk rat at the camp site last week?) One night when we were eating dinner outside, I saw a snake in the woodpile by our outhouse. It moved on too quickly for anyone else to see it. But then, when we were finished eating, I saw it coming out of the other side of the outhouse. (

And I mentioned Bluethroats, my new favorite birds? They built a nest in the lot behind ours! So far, there are two little eggs in there.
Other than that, here are just a few more random bits:
-We found out when gooseberries ripen. . . now! And we're also enjoying raspberries, the last of the strawberries, red currants, black currants, and white currants.
-Jaan and I discovered the pond. I think there should be a note added to The Care and Feeding of Pregnant Women, if there is such a book. It should go like this: "Be sure to have a cold pond nearby, for any discomfort from hot days." The water is so cold that we can only stand it for a few minutes, but now that I know how nice it is, we're going to be jumping in a few times a day. (I know, I know, not what we should have been doing with colds. I made sure that we kept our heads out of the water, though.)

Strawberry shortcake!
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
This was before we got sick. Last weekend Raia and I baked shortcakes, which we took with us and enjoyed at the dacha.

The other kind of strawberry
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
I was weeding the radishes. Raia came up to me, pointed to them, and asked for "that kind of strawberry." I asked, "Strawberries that grow underground?" She nodded, so I gave her a radish, and she happily ate it.

Chicken soup
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Bathing beauties
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
I thought I had gotten a system set up for once a week online time. I bring the computer with me to the Saturday morning prayer meeting for young mothers at the church apartment, then set up and use the phone here after everyone leaves. Last week Will came and fixed the phone so that I could do that. So, everything is set, right? This week I got online, got most of the way through checking email, and the internet card ran out. Once again, Will has to get the children dressed, and come over to rescue me. . . .
Thank you, Phyllis, for posting; thank you, Will, for rescuing so she could finish. So sorry to hear that you have been sick...but I have to admit the "chicken soup" picture is a delight. We do pray that you are soon well.
Great pictures and I am enjoying reading about your summer. I couldn't live there but I like living vicariously through you!
Laura T. :)
Tell Raia I like those "other" strawberries, too! After all, they ARE red. :-)
We just returned from our NC family vacation with the Lieberts. It was so hard to come back to the heat of FL after those cool mountains!
So sorry you have colds. Hope God speeds the healing process just for you.
Yes, Phyllis - thanks for the posting and the pictures! They are a delight! I, too, love the chicken soup picture!! And, Will would've LOVED that method of bathing, since he tried it several times with the dogs' water bowl!!!
Our trip to the NC mts was also wonderful!! I wonder if we and Mrs. were near each other? (We were in Graham County, outside of Robbinsville. We pontooned around Fontana Lake and ended up at church in Andrews on Sun. Oh, it was nice and cool!! And, when we got back on Sun evening here, there were big and little branches EVERYWHERE!! There had been a 20 min "wicked big" storm (as Abby said). It looked like a mini-hugo!!! Love you all!! Baba Julie
Sorry to hear you've been sick. Hope your feeling wonderful soon. The pond sounds great! We have a manmade one on our property (a "cement pond") which I don't think I'll be enjoying. :-P It needs some TLC before even next years' ducklings and chick can enjoy it. :-P I love the pictures - your little ones are so cute! Blessings!
Baba Julie, we were in Maggie Valley, near Asheville. We hiked to the Rainbow Waterfall in the Smokey Mountains, and now my legs are still screaming at me! Neat to think we were in the "same" area at the same time!
The pictures are great and certainly define summer. Hope you are all feeling better and enjoying more of summer's bounty.
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