We're slowly easing back into regular life after Christmas. I was so thankful that we made it through all the holiday events without getting sick! But then by January 8th--the day after Christmas--the whole family (except me) was coughing and sniffling. They've been pretty miserable since then, but things are starting to look better now.
I was going through pictures, trying to decide what to post, and I found a theme. Here you have Bogdan and his current obsession: butterflies! Yes, he's my son. "Butterfly" is the one word that be both says ("ba-ba-ba") and signs. He's a little deprived of live butterflies right now, so everything that slightly resembles a butterfly is very important to him. Especially maple seeds.
Maple seed "butterflies" and pollen "caterpillars" |
See? |
Sometimes they eat lunch with him. |
Favorite reading material |
He was not dressed like a girl; he was a butterfly.
See him signing? (And he really looks like Raia!) |
Mama's presents |
There was a very definite theme when I was opening presents. Bogdan was distributing everything, and after he brought me two presents and watched me open them, he brought me a third and very seriously told me that it was a butterfly. He was not disappointed.