Monday, April 21, 2014

Following Jesus

I mentioned the children's Passion Week event we went to. It was called "In Jesus' Steps," and they took the children through reenactments of the last week of Christ's life on earth. It started off with a short puppet show, and then they divided out into groups and started walking. I went with the (cute!) preschool group, so that's what most of the photos are from:

During the puppet show
Waiting for...
The Triumphal Entry!
Last Supper
In the garden of Gethsemane
The empty tomb!
Craft time
Stringing beads
Each child was given a special treat.
So you can see our other children... and their friend
We all really enjoyed it. It made the events of the week really come alive for our children, and they're still talking about what they saw and did.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Someone put great effort into making all this come alive for them, and I am very thankful they were able to experience it. What a memorable service!

Thank you for sharing. We love you!