I need to do a general update and several photo posts, but for now, this, from today:
The orphanage director said that she had to show me something outside. I think I had mentioned that this year we had the Christmas banquets for the workers at a very fancy restaurant. (More about that later, probably.) Well, when the restaurant took down their Christmas decorations yesterday, they brought the big, beautiful live Christmas tree over for the orphanage! The first picture shows just the top of the tree as it was set up at the restaurant, and the second is where it is now. Soon they'll plant it, and it will grow for the kids. The director was very excited and thankful and said that if it hadn't been for us taking them to that restaurant, this wouldn't have happened. Then when I got home, I saw on Facebook that it was all even more special than what I already knew. The restaurant staff redecorated the tree with candy for the kids, and then visited them when they brought the tree over. Wow.
Obviously, a Christmas tree isn't going to save a life or change the world, but what really excites me is seeing the community involved. There are many people here who love and care for orphans, but there are also many who have no idea how many needy children there are, or how they live. Maybe a few more have been added to that first group now? Or at least they might know more now about the children who are almost just across the road from them.
Also, it had been almost a month since I had spent my own regular focused time with the kids. Our family has been sick or busy, and the orphanage has been--still is--under very strict quarantine. Most of the kids who have been sick are getting well, but there are still a few down, and the flu season is raging in the general public. So, when I got out there today, I saw that the signs were still up, saying that no one was to be allowed in. I asked nicely and was careful, though.
I only (mostly) visited with one group of girls, but we were so happy to be together again! We talked and talked, and then sang and read and did a craft together. I at least checked on "my" boys, too, and they tried to barricade me in with their wheelchairs, so that I would never leave them again. Please pray for good health for all of them.
Obviously, a Christmas tree isn't going to save a life or change the world, but what really excites me is seeing the community involved. There are many people here who love and care for orphans, but there are also many who have no idea how many needy children there are, or how they live. Maybe a few more have been added to that first group now? Or at least they might know more now about the children who are almost just across the road from them.
Also, it had been almost a month since I had spent my own regular focused time with the kids. Our family has been sick or busy, and the orphanage has been--still is--under very strict quarantine. Most of the kids who have been sick are getting well, but there are still a few down, and the flu season is raging in the general public. So, when I got out there today, I saw that the signs were still up, saying that no one was to be allowed in. I asked nicely and was careful, though.

A smile of thanksgiving here....
We deeply love you and appreciate what you are doing there.
You might be interested to know that your blog has been featured on the "Moms in Missions" website (https://momsinmissions.com/online-community)
I also wanted to send you an invitation to join our Facebook group if you're interested. We're trying to start up a new community group for missionary moms . . (https://www.facebook.com/groups/672492636266355)
Both the website and the Facebook group are brand new, so we would love your help in spreading the word and inviting other missionary moms to join!
Blessings in Christ!
What a blessing, Phyllis!! The community becoming more aware of the needs around them is certainly a big step in the right direction! PTL!! Love y'all!!
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