Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Hedgehog season and other news

Last week Will and I saw a hedgehog on our evening walk. It had been a while since we'd encountered one. Back when we had a dacha, there were so many that it was hard to walk to the outhouse at night without tripping on them. Here, there just aren't as many around. The next morning Facebook showed me a memory of another one from the same day, 11 years ago. Then we went on our school nature walk that day and saw yet another one. It was in the grass right by the kids when I took the photo above; they could hear it crunching beetles. I told Asya that she and I should have reenacted the eleven-year-old photo.

Ukraine is slowly starting to come out of quarantine. We're in the first step of letting up, which is that stores and businesses can reopen, with precautions. It was a little early for this, but we met on Sunday with our American and Canadian/South African friends. It was very good to see each other after eight weeks. The only photo I took was a silly one of the girls begging for something, desert or a movie? I can't remember.

Also, art school is reopening for one month in groups small enough to fit inside the law, in masks, with temperature checks. So, I have a quiet house for the first time in months! While most of the rest of the world was pining for contact with people, I started needing People. Out. (Mostly I love having them home, and I have actually enjoyed that part of quarantine quite a bit, but it does eventually get old.) Bogdan is back at art for the first time right now, Will took him and will work in his office during class, Asya went with them to sit outside and talk with her friend who lives there, and Raia is on a walk with another friend; Jaan is quiet enough that he doesn't count. It's nice. Of course, there are three other children glued to the window to watch me. I'll join them outside soon. But for now I'm ignoring them. 


Baba Julie said...

So cute! "Three children glued to the window watching me". (: I've thought a lot about the moms here who don't normally homeschool. The kids here won't be going back to any kind of school and I'm not even sure about Summer camps. Basically, these moms are having 5 months of Summer. I know it must be hard for some of them! And, so happy about the hedgehog sightings! Love to you all!

Mom said...

We always enjoy "hearing" your voice, and this is certainly no exception. The poppy field brings back happy memories of times there with you; knowing the expat group gathered makes me want to cheer; your description of the "children glued" to the window surfaces happy thoughts of our interactions with those same children, and hedgehogs remain special as we remember Dad's efforts to pronounce the Russian word. Thank you for these glimpses of your world today. We love you.

Lindy Johnson said...

Vermont has a done a good job of respecting the need to isolate and our numbers show it. We’re slowly venturing but still staying cautious. I have no problem following the guidelines and staying healthy. I just went outside for a quick walk between virtual meetings and fed the local blackfly population. This is so hard when the weather is finally beautiful and the bugs are so bad. Our huge porcupine was out a few days ago but no hedgehogs! Glad the kids and you are able to experience a bit of normalcy.

Maxonum said...

in Ukraine, the population density is 75 people per square kilometer (195 per square mile). Because of this statistic, this country is considered to be sparsely populated. The total population of Ukraine is 44,009,214 people. Ukraine has approximately 4,834,898 foreign immigrants.