Friday, July 14, 2023

They’re back

Will and Raia are back, sleeping after a very long night on a bus. They didn't get the visa that Raia needs. Because of where she was born, the consulate couldn't just hand her a visa, like they were doing for everyone else. Her application could take up to 30 days to be processed through Kyiv. Then she can go back to Poland and get it. Of course, this really complicates everything, both logistically and--to be very honest--emotionally. Again, please keep praying....


Mom said...

While I am thankful they are safely home, my heart breaks and tears flow for you amidst continuing challenges. May our Lord give you strength for this day. Much love, many prayers.

Baba Julie said...

We are praying with you! After hearing how hard it was to accomplish what was accomplished, I can certainly understand how everyone must feel. Hugs all around and love to you all!