Friday, February 23, 2024

Good things

Facebook shows me that the last photo I posted before the full-scale invasion was snowdrops in Kherson. Here are some snowdrops in Ivano-Frankivsk:

Tomorrow will be two years since we've had a day without war.

I tend not to write much here when there’s nothing good to say, and there’s been too much of that lately. Well, I can always find little good things, but they might not be much to write about. However, lately we’ve had a few big good things. 

Raia made the honors list at LCC! And actually Jaan’s grades are also just a fraction of a point behind hers. I’ve never thought grades are a big deal, but after raising them basically without grades, it’s fun to see success there. 

We’ve made contact with a lawyer about Raia’s Ukrainian documents. Any time I ask a document question online, the sharks circle in. I had given up on finding a lawyer who doesn’t start off by asking for a ton of money. This time, though, a nice Christian woman wrote to me and offered to help. We hope and pray that she might be able to get somewhere with this. 

I’ve been able to help with the Young Life club for kids with disabilities a few times. Last week I was supposed to be there, but got sick. Their craft was making picture frames, and each kid got a photo of himself or herself from an earlier meeting. One boy who I had worked with before got a photo of himself with me. Apparently he went around asking where I was by pointing at me in it. (He doesn’t usually speak.) And then the club leader sent me a video where he actually did say my name! I cried. 

Asya and I are going to the first part of a volunteer program today. We will be studying one weekend a month at the Christian college, learning to be better wartime volunteers. 

And Bogdan won a first place award in a music contest!

1 comment:

Mom said...

And as I read about the boy saying your name, I cried. You have a much more profound influence than you realize, and it shows up in these little but monumental ways. Hallelujah! Much love to you.