Friday, May 31, 2024

Volunteer program

Last weekend Asya and I attended the final set of lectures in TCI's volunteer program and graduated from that. All together we took four intensive weekend courses on different topics related to volunteering in wartime Ukraine. The picture above shows most of our group at the tactical medical weekend. We also learned about psychology, PTSD, missionary skills, and ethics at other sessions. Asya’s favorite subject was tactical medicine, and I especially loved ethics with a visiting professor from Estonia. It was all great, though. We’re very thankful that we had this opportunity to learn and be with so many wonderful people who are working to help others, especially those who are in Kherson region. 

Graduation night was also a time for local churches to say goodbye to TCI, the Christian institute from Kherson that we followed to Ivano-Frankivsk. They have had two years here, and now that's coming to an end. The campus in Kherson is completely destroyed, so they're moving in a different direction now, instead of planning to go back. We’re really going to miss all our TCI friends as they move on to Kyiv.


Anonymous said...

Wow what an awesome program! So glad you and Asya could attend and learn so much.

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and for Ukraine. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

I can’t figure out how to log in, but this is Megan H.