Originally uploaded by fylliska. Yesterday was one of Those Days. I won’t say it was bad, because I needed the reminder to cling to the Lord, and I am not unhappy with the way I responded to the children all day. . . but it was very hard. Somehow I forgot to figure how much Will would be gone on these last few days before our family Christmas into my plans. When I realized, I thought it wouldn’t be too big of a problem. Making Christmas cookies sounds like a good thing to do with the children on the long days without Papa, right? Somehow it also slipped my mind that last year we only had one little helper (Raia wasn’t mobile yet) to three adults (both my parents helped). This year it’s more like one adult, one hurricane, and one tornado. Add in that our day started off with a minor flood in our kitchen, which became a major flood running down our neighbor’s wall, and that the children were WILD, and you can guess how things went.
Oh, I was gratified to see that when I let them run free outside yesterday, they actually did run around screaming. It seems like no matter how much they do that inside, I take them out and they turn into demure little angels. Not that I would complain about that--they’re like me, God’s creation has a calming influence on them--but sometimes it is nice for the wildness to take place outside, not in our little apartment!
We did have some especially sweet moments. After nap time, Raia was fussy, so Jaan wanted to hold her and “pet” her to calm her down. She didn’t like that, but all three of us snuggled up on Jaan’s bed, and he got to pet her while she nursed. That did the trick, and we all got up happy.
And we all enjoyed our advent time, even without Papa. Jaan seemed to understand the story and did very well repeating that the Holy Spirit came down like a dove. However, when Will came home and went in to say good night, Jaan announced, “Papa, we learned that the Holy Spirit came down like a PARROT!” 
Tonight, again without Will, we’ll read
”December 23 - This is soft and fuzzy like a sheep. Jesus called Himself the good shepherd. Do you know who His sheep are? Read: John 10:7-18.”
EVENING UPDATE: Today has gone much more smoothly. We made two kinds of fudge and decorated our gingerbread men from yesterday. We had two mishaps, not related to cooking. Jaan and Raia were really looking forward to going and buying chocolate to decorate with. When they woke up from their naps, we got dressed and went out for our promised walk to the store. I put Raia down outside, and she didn't say anything. Well, I wouldn't expect her to say anything, since she's not talking yet, but she didn't make any noise. . . just toddled off. It was really dark. When we got out under the lights in front of the store, I looked down and saw that my baby had just walked through the snow to the store IN HER SOCKS!!! I had forgotten to put her boots on her! I grabbed her and ran back, came up here to put her boots on while Jaan waited outside, and hoped that no one had noticed. Well, no one had seen, but I came out to find Jaan reporting the whole story to the neighbors.

The second mishap came during the moment when I closed them out of the living room to hide their advent bags. I opened the door and Jaan came running by. When I grabbed his arm to slow him down, he kind of gulped and then started gasping. There had been a coin in his mouth, and he had swallowed it! He did the same thing when he was really little, but this time it didn't go down as easily. He recovered after a phone call to Will, some water, and a second helping of supper.

Life is never dull!