Last week we spent Tuesday sightseeing.

Jaan Street
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
They spell it a little differently, but here is Jaan on Jaan Street, at the corner of St. Jaan's church. We also have photos of him by a statue of St. Jaan in a town near Prague a while back, and we first decided on his name in Estonia.

St. Peter's and the House of the Blackheads
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
We really enjoyed going up in the steeple of St. Peter's Church to look out on the city. Jaan and I watched the cranes and trains; Will took lots of beautiful photos. Only Raia didn't like it. She was asleep in the stroller when we went up, and the cold wind at the top woke her up.

Originally uploaded by fylliska.
From St. Peter's we went on to look at the House of the Blackheads, which is an guild house that was originally built in 1334. In the background of the picture you can see the Museum of the Occupation. (And, yes, that's me looking up in the picture.) We heard that there is discussion of tearing it down and putting a new building that would fit in with the surroundings better in its place. I thought that was a good idea at first, but after visiting the museum, I think that the ugliness is very fitting to the subject matter. The museum was very interesting and very sobering. Our children didn't last long before we had to go back to the hostel for naps, and we definitely wished we could have seen more.
That night we went out to an Italian restaurant. I already wrote about that. This just shows a little bit of how much Raia enjoyed it:

Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Monday, February 27, 2006
Monday in Riga (and Kovrov)

If you want to hear about our trip in detail, here's the first installment:
Last Sunday we started out for Moscow early in the morning. When we arrived, we went straight to the church that Nathan attends, to meet up with him and be at the service. Afterwards we went to his apartment and spent the afternoon with him and Masha. That was a nice break between trains!
In the evening we ran off to the overnight train to Riga.

Jaan relaxing on the train
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Will and Raia, also on the train
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Jaan insisted that he could not and would not sleep on a train, but he went to bed very easily. Raia was another matter; she desperately wants her own bedroom, and she made a point of reminding us about that. Eventually we all got to sleep, though.
They woke us up for the border crossing. On the Russian side everyone tiptoed around us because of the children, but the little ones still woke up. Jaan just stayed still and quiet, hugging Mi-ka and watching everything with big eyes. Princess Raia thought that everyone was coming in and out for the express purpose of seeing her. She laughed, smiled, waved, squealed, and tried to be the constant center of attention. Once we got moving again, we fell asleep again quickly. . . only to be woken up for the Latvian side of the border. Even though they were much louder there, the children didn't wake up again. Praise the Lord!
When we got to Riga in the morning, we realized that I had forgotten to print out the map and directions to the hostel where we would be staying. Will tried to call, but only ended up getting the ambulance service, and they said that they didn't think we had a reservation with them.

After they woke up, we went out into the very snowy city.

First outing in Riga
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
We walked to the Freedom Monument and saw the changing of the guards. Then we discovered the ducks who live in the park there.

The ducks!
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Jaan and Raia were fascinated. So was I!
Jaan also enjoyed one of the ice slides in the park. He was afraid to go down, but when Will just put him on it, he had a great time and begged for more. I'm sure people wondered about us putting a protesting toddler on the slide, but as soon as he would get moving, the fussing would turn to laughter, and he would get up from the bottom ready to do it again.

Jaan on the ice slide
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
By the time we had explored the park and a few nearby sights, it was getting dark, so our Monday in Riga was over.