Monday, February 06, 2006


I guess we're not really snowbound, but the cold weather had been keeping us in off and on again. Last week I set up indoor activities from Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready for both Jaan and Raia.

"School" time
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Raia's activity
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

She had a jingle bell inside a Ziplock.

Working together
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Jaan helped make flour paste, and then he got to play with it in a bag, too. After he enjoyed it for a while, he decided to show Raia what to do with his bag, and he played with hers.


Anonymous said...

Oh, the focused intensity and delight that mark childhood learning presented in intriguing ways! You, Phyllis, are a magnificent teacher; keep up the good work.

Much love....

Anonymous said...

I am watching with joy as you show your children what it means to delight in learning. I am watching closely, so when it's my turn, I too can share with them my favorte past time- learning and discovering new things. Bravo! Love you!