One photo from Saturday
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
(...чи Хансакеры в Херсоне?)
Stories and photos from the daily life of "the Ukrainian Hunsuckers"
Here's another illustration of what I wrote yesterday: I was showing Will the progress of Raia's new teeth, saying, "You can see this one right below the surface, and this one has just broken through. . . ." Jaan was watching and listening, and right away he asked, "Рот у Ляли сломался?" ("Baby's mouth is broken?")
(This was after she had supposedly cleaned herself up. She was handing the rag back to me and saying that she was all done.)
Remember we found frog eggs back in May? We enjoyed the tadpoles from them all summer. When it got cold outside, they still hadn't turned into frogs, so we brought them in off the balcony. Yesterday our first little frog crawled out of the water! It's been sitting on the rock, eating tiny little bugs and entertaining us since then. When we first saw it on dry land, it still had a long tail; already today there's just a tiny stump. It's amazing how from the same batch of eggs we have a frog, an almost-frog, a tadpole with little legs, and a plain tadpole right now. I wonder why they're developing at such different rates?
Yesterday I decided to try fixing Raia's hair like Marina had done it last week. Raia didn't want to leave it, so in the process of teaching her to let it be, I made a big deal of how pretty she looked. Jaan started asking me to do his hair, because he wanted to be beautiful, too. I didn't really want to, since he is a boy, so I came up with putting a tie on him. He was thrilled!
Jaan has finally learned the difference between Я and R! I have a cute little video clip that I was going to post here to celebrate, but I can't get it up. You'll have to do with this photo instead. When he looks at the backs of the these puzzle pieces, he sees his name in Russian. He's known that for a long time, but he insisted that R was the same as Я.
He has also been writing his name for a little while now. Or, actually, he writes Н--the second letter--because Я is too complicated. If he wants to write his whole name, he asks me to write the first letter, then he writes the second, and he's so proud of himself!
That grass really was worthy of an American golf course!
Both Monday and Tuesday we went to the orphanage. In some ways it's easier than last year with two lessons per night twice a week, but now the evenings go too late for Raia. It was sweet to see her interacting with the children when I had to take her out of the Bible lessons, though. One boy was upset and hiding under his bed, so the caretaker asked me to watch him while she took the other children somewhere else. Raia was so worried about him! She kept getting down on her hands and knees and trying to feed her half-eaten apple to Sasha. And Jaan just loves being there in general.
It's starting to get cooler here, but we're finally having some clear days once again. I think the fall colors are just past their peak, but we're still enjoying them and lots of outside time. Yesterday we went to the woods and got to look at a woodpecker through our binoculars. Now that was exciting!
The latest excitement indoors has been a huge cardboard box. It makes a great tunnel, house, and whatever else Jaan and Raia want it to be. I can even play in it with them. It folds up and hides away under the couch when we're done.
Last night we had chicken for supper. Jaan ate his drumstick and then asked for more. I just gave him a few pieces, already cut up. He said, "Нет, не так! Я хотел курицу на палке." ("No, not like that! I wanted chicken on a stick.")
Other news: the weather forecast says snow tomorrow!
After hearing that subscribing to our blog updates by email didn't
work, I switched to a new service to send them. Is it working now?
Also, when I imported the old settings, I was surprised to see that I
didn't recognize some of the email addresses. Who are you all?
You have a really cute, sweet grandson! Oh, but you already knew that, right? So, I'll just say, feed that boy pizza! He loves it. It was great fun to watch him eat it last night. We had been commenting on how Raia eats more than Caleb, but he certainly outdid her on pizza.
Everyone, please pray for Jon, Carrie and Caleb today. It's a really long day of travel for them. They left here at 5:00 this morning, and they won't get to Charlotte until late tonight.
Now, something for Jaan and Raia's grandparents. . . .
Playing dress up was one of the favorite entertainments while Caleb was here. At this stage that means putting on and taking off lots of hats.