Monday, June 11, 2007

The shy caterpillar

Phyllis as always is costantly teaching the children about God's nature. For her, the greatest enjoyment comes from sharing in the children's wonder and excitement. Here they are trying to be very close to caterpillar, yet very still... it was sewing a leaf up around itself!


Anonymous said...

Is that plant some kind of nettle or false nettle? Is the caterillar a relative of the red admiral? That's my guess, and I'm sticking to it.

Anonymous said...

That is caterpillar, not caterillar. I can't believe I missed that before I posted.

Mrs said...

I like caterillar better.

Curious myself! Pictures of the leaf sewn around him would be appreciated!

Still, I'd like to get the red passion vine, even if the caterillers don't like it as much.