If anyone has had any doubts about whether our children have American blood, and whether or not Phyllis and I are reaaaally still 'Real Americans' - here's proof! If it's not all that obvious, the the children are greatly enjoying hot dogs and hamburgers, and I was the one who cooked them. On a hamburger grill, even! I think those were the best hamburgers Phyllis and I have had in a loooong time. Maybe it was just working outside all day before eating...
What a delight! I must have come to the blog as you were in the process of posting, because there are more photos here now than earlier. Thank you so much! Much love....
God bless America!! Hamburgers and hotdogs are something we really do well!! That looks like such fun!! Do you have mosquitoes there? And, how do you cut that grass? Do you need me to come over and do that part? (: I'm so glad you took pity on the cat, too! It will be lots of fun as long as it doesn't scratch!! Love you all!! Baba Julie
I did not realize you are one of the pioneer HSer's. I happened to see Abby's picture in the Greenhouse report and I caught the last name and remembered I read a blog about some Hunsuckers and then realized who she was. Congratulations to all of you and Abby! We are 3rd year HSers and appreciate the road you helped pave for us!
Laura T. in Winston :)
OH! Pictures and pictures! How was it, staying at the dacha? Did you hate to go back to the apartment? When will you go back?
Phyllis, I have a special picture for you. I hope to put it on my blog today -- I'm sure it will bring you a smile!
Ты прям на этой фотке не Вилл, а Василий! :D Класс! Какой у вас большой участок! Здорово! Что-нибудь будете сажать?
Thanks, Laura! We were actually a few years after the first homeschoolers in our area. But, we did help start the Zoe Homeschool Teen support group. It has been a lot of fun (and hard work)!! I feel like I'm the end of an era!! Julie
Happy 2nd Birthday, Raia! We hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating.
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, Dear Raaaiiiaaaa!! Happy Birthday to you!! (We would've called, but didn't know how!!) And, I hope the pkg got to you on time!! Lots of love, Baba Julie
Although we have not posted as early in the day as others wishing you happy birthday, dear Raia, we have been thinking of you all day. We can hardly believe you are 2!
We love each of you....
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