Sometimes I like to have themes for my thanksgiving lists. This time I thought it would be fun to go through the alphabet and think of one thing that I'm thankful for on each letter. Other than that to tie these together, it's a pretty random list.
576. Asya!
577. Babies in general, and Baby Yasha in particular
578. Church camp
579. Dacha days (If we were playing Scattergories, I'd get two points for those.

580. Egg sandwiches, made by Will
581. Family!
582. God's grace!
583. Hoopoe birds, so funny!
584. Ice cream

585. Jaan
586. Kisses from Asya; she still doesn't quite know how to give them, but she tries.
587. Lena, leading camp this year: such a sweet friend!
588. Mulberries
589. Nighttime, when all is quiet after a long day
590. Oksana: "Raia's Oksana" came from Kiev to help with camp.
591. Printer: I've been keeping it busy with camp stuff.
592. Questions from my little ones (Sometimes the sheer volume of questions drives me crazy, but I am thankful for them. Those questions show how their minds are working!)
593. Raia
594. Squirrel family right near us now
True Spirituality and a friend to read it with
596. Underwear: I'm thankful that Asya can finally get hers off and on by herself!

597. Very fun 1st day of camp!
598. Will
599. eXtreme change in the temperature (The unbearable heat dropped 20 degrees, just like that, just in time for camp. Is that not a miraculous love gift?)
600. Yana, the other camp leader
601. Zzzzzzzzzz. . . . what I wish I had more of right now. I sure do enjoy sleep these days!