Monday, September 06, 2010

A thankful day

We had a wonderful late summer (or early autumn?) dacha day today. I was just overflowing with thanks all day! I'm so thankful for all these things:

404. Will's home!
405. Beautiful sky
406. Beautiful weather
407. Harvest, even from a neglected garden
408. Grapes
409. Plums
410. Pears
411. Apples
412. Squash
413. Melons
414. Tomatoes still going
415. Great, big praying mantises and the giggles when they tickle
416. Flowers
417. An outdoor classroom
418. Jaan-bird's nest
419. Dirty faces
420. Shashlik!

(I might come back and add more photos to illustrate these, but not now.)

holy experience


alexis nicole said...

Your list is lovely. Our tomatoes are still growing and would you believe that I have had this plant since May and it only just has it's first tomato growing??
My kids love praying mantis and they too giggle and sometimes scream when they crawl too far up the arms!

Mom said...

Shout glory! (BTW--your morning glory photo is beautiful.)

Baba Julie said...

It is beautiful, Phyllis! I love the Morning Glories Bernie planted on the fence by our garden. No more tomatoes, though. The squirrels are getting the green ones now. Got some Butter Peas the other day. Very good!! So happy you all had such a great day and I know you're happy to have Will back! We were very happy to have him hear for a few days. Thank you, again, for your sacrifice, making that possible!! Love to all of you!

Baba Julie said...

"here" (:

Unknown said...

Beautiful post! And speaking of beautiful.. you have been awarded the One Lovely Blog award