Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Evening Post, issue 3

A photo from this week:

Jaan... I can't think of anything special to write. I even asked him as he ran by just now, and he said, "I did school this week. That's all." He enjoyed it and did well, although it was all ordinary days.

Raia... Did you see the photo above? I gave her a worksheet to do one day. After I helped her with the first half, she wanted to finish the rest of it by herself. And then she copied the instructions from the top of the page. That's the photo. We were amazed at her writing skills!

Asya... wore Raia's old favorite princess dress to church today. Somehow that just made her seem so big.

Will... says, "I had a wonderful week of serving my wife and trying to meet her every need." Was he just trying to give the right answer to my question about his week? I will add that his allergies, or whatever is mysteriously wrong with his nose, have taken over again, so he's been sneezing, sniffling, sneezing, snoring, sneezing, snuffling, and sneezing some more.

School this week: Week 6 done! Some fun moments were Jaan decided to DRAW a picture to go with Cornelia's Jewels, he recognized his Durer painting in a magazine, and he pointed out that the poem (number 3) we were reading one morning in English was something he already knew from an audio book he had listened to in Russian.

My books and knitting: Still reading. I discovered how to edit ebooks, though, so I'm afraid I've been messing around with them at least as much as reading. I can fix those typos that bother me so much now! As far as knitting, I finished my Kindle bag. I'll be working on my lovely shawl for quite a while.

A quote:
Surely one is nearer, if not to God himself, yet to the things God loves, in the country than amid ugly houses.
--George MacDonald, The Flight of the Shadow

Weather and nature observations:
Cool and rainy has continued on from last week.We might even have frost in the week to come!

Other news, ministry, notes and miscellaneous from the week: This was a quieter week than last. Really, there wasn't anything other than the ordinary going on at church, either. We did enjoy a visit with someone from a church in Poltava this morning. The conversation with him and our youth over tea after the service was really good.

On this date in. . . 2008, I just posted a few photos. I guess this hasn't been much of a writing date for me before this?

Just a few things I'm thankful for...holy experience
  • cool, rainy days
  • the heat coming on (I think this is the first time I've ever been happy to see that start up.)
  • a Saturday night "art frenzy"
  • vareniki with tvorog
  • ordinary days!

My question for you: I typed up a list of discussion questions for Will to use with the youth, and this was one of them, "What gives you the most satisfaction these days?" (Please answer!)
Thank you so much to everyone who answered me last week, both in the comments and by email. I loved it!


Rebecca said...

What gives me the most satisfaction? I think, probably, it is when DD struggles and works at a new concept, or writing something properly ... and then just "gets" it. It really validates what I'm doing with my life.

Mom said...


Your writing is beautiful!

Baba Julie said...

I have had this luxury for quite awhile now, but it is still at the top of my list - being able to read my Bible EVERYDAY, at my ease! And, for those of you still in school or with young children or those still homeschooling, I think you can appreciate that. It got done, but was just not the same as being able to sit down with a cup of coffee and really be able to read and pray!!

And, Raia, I also congratulate you! Very beautiful!! And, Will, your father says, "Ditto" on his week!! (: Love you all!!

Baba Julie said...

I forgot to say that I LOVE how you give links to pictures or info in your blog! And, your Kindle bag is beautiful!! I think you've inspired Anna. It sounds like she's starting a project! Love you!

Alissa Maxwell said...

Only a potty-training mama would have this answer: poop in the toilet. =) That, and feeling strong on my runs - it's just such a blessing to enjoy the time to myself to run and to know that my body is getting stronger after what feels like a long stretch of being away from it.

Anna said...

Sorry, mom, though Phyllis is an inspiration with all of her projects, I just needed a new project to work on and wanted to try a different kind of yarn. If you'll recall, I've been crocheting for a couple of years now. You just haven't seen much of what I've done.