Tuesday, March 26, 2013

More from Bogdan's birthday

Last week I posted the photos from the first half of Bogdan's big day. Here are a few more:

Birthday hat
Will said "Look serious." Jaan didn't hear.
The birthday boy looks scared.


Baba Julie said...

Too funny! Will looks like a double horned unicorn or something!! So glad that Bogdan had a big day!! Anna will have a little something for him and the other children when she comes. I'll send a box in time for Raia's birthday and some more birthday in there for him, as well. Love y'all!!

Anna said...

He should look scared, since it appears that the rest of his crazy family imbibed a little too much of the birthday punch. =-D

Marie Green said...

Raia is so much like your mama. Very pretty and of course smart, too!