Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Day 2

Advent then and now....

Instead of buying candy, Jaan made grape juice jello. Bogdan was the first to find one of the hidden jellos, and then he just wanted to sit down with a spoon and dig in. Forget about searching for the note and the rest of the cups! But he did listen well to the story. And then, when I asked what songs about Jesus they wanted to sing, he insisted on "'sus voom" (i.e. "Jesus airplane). We figured out what he meant, and he was thrilled to sing and do the hand motions with us. I think that's the first time I've seen him actually have an opinion about singing and get involved.


Mom said...

I can see why he calls it "Jesus airplane." You all make ME smile. Love you.

Baba Julie said...

Yes! I saw the Jesus airplane, too! So glad he was excited to choose and take part in the singing. Sounds like a wonderful time of celebration of our Lord's birth!