Monday, March 02, 2015

Photos and funnies

Shokoladka the Duck wanted to be inside with us.
They burned the old Christmas tree.
I'm really late posting this; Will got me 14 roses...
...for our 14th anniversary. Beautiful!
He had them delivered to the fancy restaurant where we were having dinner with all the missionary couples for Valentine's Day. I was so surprised!

Lots of fun with Jaan's hair these days
A quiet evening
For several years now, Jaan has been piano-less. Since we moved here, he has practiced on an old, kiddie keyboard that our neighbors loaned us. This week Will bought a used electric piano being sold by people leaving Ukraine. Jaan's loving it!

And now a few quotes from Bogdan:
Bogdan and I were crossing a road in a crosswalk, when he looked up and saw a truck headed toward us. It was stopping, but apparently he didn't know that, because he told me something like, "Need to run! I don't like when I'm dead."

He was upset by the fact that dogs, um, do their business on the ground, and he came up with a very creative solution: "Хай 'ав-'ав ед на humph ко-о-о и там кака." Got that? I laughed because he started off with Ukrainian and then included his great love of Kipling, too, not to mention the creativity, and still in his own language. He meant that the dogs should ride camels to somewhere far-r-r away and make their messes there.


Mom said...

Fourteen cheers for Will! The flowers are (were) beautiful.

Love to all!

Baba Julie said...

GREAT!! All these pics are WONDERFUL! I LOVE Bogdan's solution for dogs and their "kaka"!! I have often thought something similar when owners let their dogs make "deposits" in my yard!! (: Love you all!