Thursday, December 24, 2020

Music school lately

As I said in an earlier post, there aren't any holiday music school concerts this year. Our kids have done a lot of recording sessions, though. I've seen a few of those, and hopefully I'll see (and share) more of them soon. Jaan and Raia's teacher is putting together a "virtual concert," and I'm looking forward to that. Two group videos that Asya was in are in an online festival now.

I took Asya and Bogdan out for coffee or cacao after they finished an exam. Raia protests that I didn't do this for her or Jaan. Oops. Well, I know we celebrated in other ways, and I hardly ever used to go out for coffee myself before. Both of the younger ones were especially nervous about exams this time anyway. Asya didn't even think about her flute exam, but this was her first time on piano. (She did great.) Bogdan still isn't used to all this, and he wasn't ready because of his teacher's sickness, but he survived.

I liked this photo of Asya's teacher getting her set up to record:

Bogdan's class got to combine exams and entries in a school contest. He was very pleased later on to get a certificate and a present for participating, even though he says that played his pieces with mistakes.

Here is Raia with curled hair and GLITTER:

They had so much fun with all the hair and makeup for recording that the teacher is doing a whole "beauty salon" for the girls today before their class party. Raia is going to help, too. And Jaan has a surprise up his sleeve for the party....

1 comment:

Baba Julie said...

Merry Christmas to our dear family in Ukraine! The children and their teachers have certainly found some delightful ways to celebrate their music during this pandemic! I am so happy for them that they have such fun and meaningful things to do! Congratulations to each one. And, I do think that "getting through" is a great accomplishment!! Such great and memorable experiences!! We are so proud of each one and of you and Will, too. We love you all!!