Wednesday, December 23, 2020

We made it!

That's how I feel about finishing out this semester. Today was our last day of school for 2020. Art and music are still going, but at home we're done. As I went back through pictures, it looks like all we've done is art, music, Advent, and homeschooling. And, yes, that's pretty much about it. It's been good, though. Wonderful really. Today I'll post the art school and random/homeschooling/etc photos. Then I can do music and Advent separately on other days.
(It was not that warm out!)
I stole the last photo from one of Jaan's friends. They know someone who recently began working as a manager at an indoor petting zoo, so they've been hanging out there some. I want to go!


Baba Julie said...

Amazing pictures! And, I'm sure you all feel like you "made it"!! (I think a lot of people do.) We are so grateful for the wonderful home school teacher you are! (And, you have some pretty incredible students, too! (: ) We look forward to seeing more pictures and wish you all a Merry Christmas!! Love to you all!!

Mom said...

Great post...but I certainly would like some commentary on a few of the photos. It appears that everyone is doing very well; for that we are thankful. Much love to all.