We've had a few more fun and exciting days lately. We "met" the New Year (how do you say that in English?) at home, which was a first for us. It was very nice and peaceful. We had a good Southern dinner of black-eyed peas and cornbread, and we went to bed before midnight. The children and I even slept through all the neighborhood fireworks; Will says that they went on without a break for two full hours.
Before that, on Sunday we had all kinds of good adventures. On our way to church, we saw the woodpecker again right as we left our house. Then, when we got close to church, we saw another one, right down at eye level on a fence! We had never seen one so close and so unconcerned about our presence! Even Raia is still talking about it. What is driving them out of the forests this year?
Church was a joyful celebration of all that the Lord has done in the past year. The mysterious Ded Moroz who came and gave out presents last year, showed up again this year. No one knows who he is or where he comes from, but we do know that he's a Christian.

Also, three African students who study at the institute across the street from the church apartment came in. I had actually met them and talked to them before, so I was especially glad to see them. Please pray that they will come again and be able to understand. (Their Russian isn't all that good yet.)
Then yesterday we had another quiet family day. In the morning we opened presents; in the evening we made a gingerbread house. It took all of Will's handy man skills to get it put together, and then we worked together to decorate it.
Cute, eh?
Originally uploaded by fylliska.Oh, another story: our children sleep in the room that doubles as our living room. The Christmas tree is set up out there. Yesterday morning Jaan woke us up, babbling about how something had fallen, but everything was okay. We figured out that he was talking about the gingerbread star that Will had made for our Christmas tree. So, I told Jaan I'd come hang it back up. . . but I couldn't find it! I kept asking Jaan where it was, and he kept saying, "Let's just leave it there" and "It's in a good place" and "Everything is okay." Finally I noticed that Raia's face was all covered in cookie crumbs, and Jaan admitted that they had each eaten half. I was just glad that they had shared it. Raia was still in her crib, so that means Jaan brought her some. Such a sweet big brother!