Raia's confused. For a while she could say Mama, and she called both Will and me Mama. She just pointed to show which one of us she meant. Will didn't like that, so he really worked to teach her to say Papa. Sometime last week she got that down. And now we're both Papa.

When she started saying Papa, she also started asking Will for milk and digging around in his shirt when she's hungry. Confused!
And to clear up more confusion, please vote on which family photo is better:
Photo 1 or
Photo 2.

If you don't usually like to comment, remember you can leave an anonymous comment, and then we'll have your vote, too. Thanks!
Good morning.
I prefer photo number 1. You all look better. Nelly, Greece
Photo 1.
I like photo 2.
I'd have to agree with you, Raia is definitely confused!
I like photo number 1 but I like all the names listed like you did on photo 2.
:o) Julie
I like photo two--your smile seems a bit forced in photo one. I like the lettering better too.
-Stephanie in AR
I vote for photo number 1 too!
Kristen Linduff
I like #2 better. The background makes y'all look yellow in the first one. --Adrienne :)
I like #1 best, but like the names listed in #2.
Number 1! You are a precious looking family no matter which one you choose.
I remember my oldest when he was about Raia's age called both of us Mama too. Dh wanted him to say Papa so bad so he would practice with him at meals and one dinner ds shouts "POP!" with a big grin on his face. *lol* I think he was a little jokester on top of being onfused.
I like photo 2.
I like the smiles and names in photo 2, but I like the colors in photo 1. Aren't you sorry you asked? ;-)
Photo 2. I like the arrangement better, and I think you all look better in it. Looks like this vote may not help you decide at all!
Photo number 2 is the best ... it's a more pleasing pose, and the coloring is better, too.
I love the photos Phyllis - both are great. I think photo #2 shows your personalities better. Will and Jaan have the same smile! Either you choose will be fantastic. I'd love to print a new photo of your family for my wall at work.
I like photo 2- it looks more like you guys...more natural and relaxed. However, pic 1 looks very Russian and I love the color combos of your clothing and the cover on the couch. Yikes...so hard! I'm assuming this is for a prayer letter? May I have one? ;)
Photo 2 -cuz Will's smile is deeper. Than again maybe photo1 -cuz don't Russians prefer not to smile too brightly? :)
Your babies are always so cute. I check on them everyday :)
I'm voting for photo #1...
Laura T. :)
hehehe, Maria~Angelica calls everyone mom too! She just started saying Papou (grandfather) last night. Should be interesting to see if she uses that for more then one person or just my dad.
I like you in #2 but the pose of #1. I think will would look nice showing is toothy grin.
I am probably not much help but I love the coloring of 1.
I am so excited; I have the books all ready to go to Julie, I hope to get it mailed out in the next week or so.
I think #1. Hope you had a merry Christmas.
#1 definitely. It's a lovely picture
i like 1
Photo 1
I thought it was very nice of Jaan to share the star with Raia! : )
I can't believe how old Jaan looks! : D
Мне нравится №1! :)
Вил улыбается, как настоящий русский на обоих фотографиях. :D
Photo 1 -- much better composition.
I like photo 1
I think I like #2 best. hmm. not sure. I always like blue though so it probably is your shirt Phyllis.
Thanks for the pic of the medicine, it is clear enough to be able to recognize it. I am feeling good at the moment, the codeine from the doctor is working...unfortunately i think it makes me alert not sleepy but it is so good to not be in pain!
photo 1! photo!
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