Worn out
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
This was right after we started back into Moscow to catch our train home. I find it funny that my first train ride was when I was eighteen years old, but cars were an everyday method of transportation. It's the other way around for our children: they spend lots of time on trains, but cars are an exciting treat.
Raia's getting big enough to share her funny quotes now, too. On our way to Moscow we had left our little potty on the train. We were concerned about the way home, because both of our children are afraid of train bathrooms. So, a little before the time for our train, we found ourselves rushing around Kursky Station, looking to buy a potty. We came to a toy section that actually had one. Raia yelled, "There he is!" as if she had found some long lost relative and ran in to snatch it. We paid for it and headed to our train, only to find that the stewardesses (is that what you call them?) had saved our lost potty for us and were just waiting for our return trip.
Other recent Raia quotes: this morning she was obviously searching for something, and she kept saying, "Where's God?" After a while, I heard "Oh, there he is!" I went to see what she was talking about: she had found a little New Testament, which was apparently what she had been looking for.
She's obsessed with having the hood on her snowsuit up these days. Every time it comes down, she politely asks me to "close door."
Will's standard answer when he's in a hurry to get out the door and Jaan's pestering him about where he's going is, "To the moon." Last night Jaan started up with the barrage of "Where are you going, Papa?" questions, and without missing a beat, Raia answered for him: "To the moon."
I often remind Jaan that Raia's little, when he needs to be more kind or gentle. A few minutes ago, Raia was begging for another hot cross bun. I told her no, and she's responded with "I'm little."
To change the subject: I just read an article that really reflects the typical Russian's understanding of Easter. It's also available online, so if you're interested, please go read it.
Your children make me laugh--what joy must they bring you as well! Thank you for sharing their adorable statements and perceptions of the world. We love each of you....
My little one (8) always wants to know what I'm doing, like she can't look and see. I always tell her I'm baking a cake!! I thought about that with Jaan always asking where Will is going, lol!
Laura :)
I like the "I'm little." I'll have to try that one next time I want something=) The pictures are SOOO cute. I'm glad you all had a happy Easter. So did I--missed you though!!!
Oh that comment was from me (Leetra) by the way. I never remember to sign them. Love you!!!
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