Jaan and Raia are growing right along with their little sibling, of course. I think Raia's trying to keep up with me on weight gain! We finally started getting fresh milk again, and now their favorite play is that they are cows. When Raia sees me bring the bottle of "milk from cows" out of the refrigerator, she moos. Most of the time they crawl around and refuse to answer to any name other than Cow. There's also a variation of the game called Scary Cows where they put on hats and other dress up, and zoom around on hands and knees, moo-roaring. Jaan's developing quite an imagination, and he'll sit for ages talking out stories with whatever props he can find: spoons, cars, pencils, etc. Raia moving from a toddler into a preschooler, and she loves puzzles, sorting, "counting" (аз, два, аз, два, аз, ТРИ!), and any kind of art project. Jaan's starting to memorize Bible verses, and I noticed that when one of his recent ones was read in church, Raia spontaneously starting doing the hand motions to go with it!
And of course, we're outside a lot. Our primroses are really starting to bloom, and the tulips are coming up well. They're not even to the stage where there are buds, but that should be soon. I have not done well with seeds at all this year. None of those dahlias I was so excited about came up.

*I've written this over the past few days. Monday we were outside almost all day. Tuesday our internet card ran out. Yesterday and most of today an "accident on the line" at our internet provider was keeping us offline.
Yes Phyllis,
I would be one that could take some of your weight gain. We've been calling this "high metabolism baby," but I think he's finally letting me keep some the calories to myself. Love the kids and the cow motions - what a joy!
=) Alissa
So good to "hear" your voice. Much love--M
"Scary Cows" sounds like a game I could get into. Having been around a herd of cows at their suppertime, I can attest to the fact that it does sound as loud as a roar!
I agree 100% on the "secret" of the womb. We never peeked with any of ours and cannot compare the moment when that precious gift is revealed for the first time!
It's funny, because I had thought YOU knew who Jaan was but weren't telling anyone else!
Such fun adding you to the 'prego list'.
I thought babies were supposed to slow your metabolism down but now this baby seems to make my tummy growl every 3 hours- its nutz! Poor Russ knows his job first thing in the morning is to get me a bowl of cereal ASAP or else I'll be throwing up from lack of food for so long..lol
Now you'll need to start posting prego pictures with us! We LOVE those!
I didn't know who Wyley was and I abolutely loved hearing the 'ITS A BOY'. With Kaleb I had too many ultrasounds where he was spread eagle NOT to notice! Russ wanted to know with this girlie so we found out and I'm glad since its made decorating fun! I think we would have figured it out anyway though cuz she's not shy and we 'see' for ourselves every 2 weeks that she's lacking what the boys have. :) Such fun times! Keep us super posted! This is GREAT!
Mrs, actually, we did know with Jaan. I had to have a sonogram, and it was just so obvious. But we didn't tell anyone else. You know, with Jaan and Raia I just knew from the very beginning anyway that he was a boy and she was a girl. This baby hasn't given me any feelings either way.
Debi, you can go 3 hours without eating?!?! Do you have your "prego list" written out? There are so many of our NTBI friends pregnant right now! You should post your list on your blog, and I'll see if I can add to it. :-)
How fun! What a great thing to be pregnant with friends!! And, I found that eating helped with the nausea, too. As long as I kept something on my stomach, I was fine.
Would love to see the "moo-roaring"! I think they come by it naturally. Remember the story about Will getting in trouble in first grade for "roaring like a large lion" (and he only weighed 35 lbs at the time)? My, if they are taking after their father, you have many "adventures" ahead!! Love to all!! Baba Julie
Moo-roaring may be better than Tarzan calls at all hours like their Grandfather Phil! No matter who they take after it sounds like the gene pool guarantees you'll be kept on your toes. Three kids under 5 is a sure bet you'll be busy. Enjoy spring -- my daffodils are starting to open and it looks so nice as the grass turns green.
Phyllis, that's so funny (almost said "cool," your mom's banned word) about knowing who they were instictively. I was so certain Glenna was a boy! John was 3 for 3 in knowing who our children were, though.
I guess sonogram pictures are much clearer now than when I was having them. Still, I was getting pretty good and reading the fuzzy images.
What if you're have twins? or triplets? wouldn't that be fun:)
(please don't smack me for that ;)lol
I have a prayer list (you'll have to scroll down in April) with the prego list all on it (about 5 are other ntbi bloggers) They are Hanne, Stacie, Jodi, YOU, Bethany (she was on staff when we were at school), and one who doesn't blog cuz of slow connection is Lindsay Clevidence (she married Gary).
Comment me on who else you know and I'll blog it :)
I got on the scale this morning and realized its time to throw it out! I've gained 4 pounds in 2 weeks and I'm still slightly traumatized :) Before that I'd only gained 5 this whole pregnancy. I'll stop whining though....ITS MY GIRL!!!!!
Debi, I'd love to have twins (don't know about triplets!), but the sonogram said just one baby in there.
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