Bath time
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
This is how Raia started out the day, before the rain. She stayed wet for the rest of the day, just like her babies.

Snack time
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
And warming up a little!

Originally uploaded by fylliska.

View out the back
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
I said this was the only photo missing from our dacha tour. It's from the little window upstairs. See Spring creeping in?
Right now the babushki at church are all riled up about us planning to move to the dacha. True, it's not the standard thing to do, especially with little children, but we're really looking forward to it. Please pray that they'll be able to reconcile themselves to the idea. We don't want something this minor to cause division, and we don't need the pressure from them right now!
I love seeing the pictures of your dacha--it looks beautiful! Ura for spring and gardens, and green leaves!!! :)
I love seeing all of these pictures! It looks like it will be such fun! I will pray the babushki become accustomed to this idea! Will you have phone service right away? Will your number change? Love to all! Baba Julie
Phyllis, I am so excited for you...what a thrill to have your own little place!! I hear ya about criticism from other people. We are planning to move in the Fall and many of our supporters are upset, but you have to do what is best for your family. We bought a place too...it doesn't have a house on it, but it's OURS and we are excited.
Leah (from the WS:))
As usual, I am confused. Why would they not want you at the dacha?
What I read about going to dachas in the summer it seems to be a very usual practice. I was surprised by your comment that people were not happy about it. It seems very interesting and certainly allows more outdoor freedom for all of you. When they see how happy and healthy Jaan and Raia are when you return in the fall they'll understand.
Phone? Hah! :-)
Why would they worry? Because that's the official job of babushki! It could be cold and wet at a dacha, and don't we all know that's how children catch pneumonia? Sure, people go to dachas, but take children there for a longer period of time? The wolves could get them! And on and on and on. . . (No, there are not seriously any wolves there. No bears, either. I'm being sarcastic, but the babushki like to worry about things almost that silly. And they definitely obsess over the possibility of catching pneumonia from wet feet or cold weather.) We love them dearly, and know that they worry about us because they love us, but it does get extreme sometimes.
Yeah! You look so happy...and the children too. They are about to get a good dose of dirt- I can tell!
Can we get a picture of the early imprints of the newest one on the way? =)
I will pray for Debi- I understand about little girls wanting to make early appearances!
Love to all!
Congratulations Phyllis. We've been gone for a week, so it was exciting to come back and reac about your dacha. I think I can feel you big smiles all the way on this side of the world. I'm sure you are itching to plant and are already planning great garden layouts in your head. I'm sure Jaan and Raia will enjoy being your big helpers through the planting and will be sure to enjoy the harvest!
That is funny! My MIL (and my husband at times) does not get why i do not understand that getting a chill will make you sick. Why do I not wear tights and leggings on my legs, why I don't make the children wear 2-3 layers in the winter and why I sit on concrete at times!!
I think after 10 years of marriage they would have given up on this strange American! It looks like a neat place, out of curiousity, how much does a place like that cost in american dollars, if you do not mind sharing?
Hi Martha! It was about $1000. Funny that you get to be a strange American in America. :-)
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