First I'll show you the inside of the dacha:

Coat closet and "stairwell"
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
This is just inside the door, to the right, as you come in. The window is to let light in from the back room.

Front room
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Looking back at the door. We still don't know how much of the furniture and other things they will leave for us. Definitely the wardrobe, but they other than that they didn't say.

Back room
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Originally uploaded by fylliska.
There's a cute little room in the middle, and the rest is unfinished.
Now we'll head outside:

Originally uploaded by fylliska.
This is what Jaan and Raia were most excited to find. Their favorite greens! The two of them plopped down there and started eating. Щавель was one of the first things I was wanting to plant. I'll still add more.

Flower garden
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
You can't really see it, but there are quite a few flowers--tulips, daisies, daffodils, and others--out front. Of course, I was excited to see that. A few are already blooming!

Back view
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
You can see the garden space here. Will was standing just behind the property line when he took this photo. The water pipe runs along that line, with a faucet at each plot. The plot directly behind us is abandoned, so the children can run and play there all they want! I need to get a photo in that direction, too.
I said that Will bought this yesterday morning. In the afternoon we all went out to see it and had a wonderful time! (That's when we took these photos.) We met several of our neighbors; they were all very friendly. According to them, we have the best raspberries of anyone. There are strawberry plants all over, too! I was also happy to see quite a few children running around. People spend varying amounts of time at their dachas, but apparently the ones we met--from next door and across the road--almost live there in the summer. Already it's like walking through a gardening magazine in some of the plots out there!
This is wonderful! It's like a dream, isn't it? I loved the little dachas we saw when we were there. Are these that same group that are not too far from your apt or are they across town? How far a walk is it to the trolley bus? So great! We are praising the Lord with you!! Love, Baba Julie
I "came by" earlier as you were in the process of posting and then "spied" your photo storage area. Now that you have captions things are clearer yet. What joy! What bounty! What an answer to prayer! Jaan and Raia are going to have the summer of their young lives...Love to each one.
Phyllis! A garden already started! Praise God!
Would you mind explaining to us non-Russians exactly what a dacha is, and why you wouldn't live there permanently?
What is a dacha? Russians love the land. When they live in apartments and cities, they still need some connection to the earth. So, they have dachas: places to get away and grow plants! :-) Do my Russian friends think that sounds like a good explanation?
We can't live in our dacha year round, because--like most dachas--it's only for the summer. It's in a dacha development where they turn off the water and electricity and lock up the gate for the winter. It's not insulated, and there's no heat.
Here's a dacha link. I haven't read it, though.
Thank you! I read some of the page, enough to know you'll be dachniks!
So basically, it's a garden shed with bunks. ;-) It makes sense because of Russia's hard winters that they would close down the area and "winterize" everything.
I agree with your mother, though; Raia and Jaan will have the summer of their young lives!
Went back and read the entire page. Now I'm understanding the excitement! You'll have a beautiful summer of gardening and growing, both the garden and the children . . ..and yourself! Fall will arrive, you'll head back to town with your harvest and await the "harvest" of the womb.
How ideal!
Very good! I enjoyed reading that! Love, Baba Julie
Ah, Baba Julie, I forgot to answer your questions. Yes, it's like a dream for me! With an escape like this, I will be much happier with apartment life. No, it's not in the dachas you saw. It's at the end of the trolleybus line that goes by our current apartment. From that stop, it's about 15 minutes through the woods, at an adult pace. I think it took about 45 minutes with the children! :-)
Hi, Phyllis! All the ladies at ladies' mtg last night were very interested in this new dacha! They weren't sure what it is, but I tried to enlighten them and showed some the blogsite pictures. It was hard for them to understand how you could be so happy about the "house" with no electricity or running water. Is there a bathroom? I think it's great! But, you may have to wheel me in a wheelbarrow when we come! I don't know if Baba Julie can walk 45 min! Of course, we only come in winter, anyway!! What am I thinking!!! (: What is the green leafy plant Jaan and Raia are eating? Green leaf lettuce? Love to all, Baba Julie
The edge of the outhouse is in the left-hand side of the back yard photo. ;-) Your legs are a lot longer than Raia's! Do you think it would take you 45 minutes to walk to your library? It would take Jaan and Raia that long. :-) I told you what they're eating: it's щавель! ;-)
wow!!! a dacha!! It looks beautiful!! I'm so happy for you guys--I can't wait to hear how planting, and moving, and fixing up, etc. It looks beautiful,and I'm really excited for you!!!!! :)
Phyllis, how wonderful!!! Praying you have a very blessed summer with your new Dacha and the children! Rest up good under all that sunshine and playing in the rich soil. :O)
I am very happy for you. He is good!
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