Anyway, we had another wonderful week at our dacha. Will's biggest project this week was replacing the ladder to the upstairs. I've been up there most nights, so that I don't disturb the rest of the family when I can't sleep, and so that they don't disturb me when I can.

Jaan helps Papa
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
. . . while. . .

Raia watches
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
And then Raia shows off the. . .

New stairs
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
The highlight of the week was that we had almost all of the young people from church out for dinner and fellowship. It's been hard getting everyone together all summer, and we've missed those times.

With friends
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
And then just some random photos:

Bubble Man
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
(The results of a bubble fight with me, when I was washing dishes.)

Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Size comparison
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Morning sleepyheads
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
(I answered questions in the comments sections where they were asked.)
I will never laugh at "a Florida girl wilting from the heat." I just wish I could send you some AC, sleep, and "health food." That squash looks wonderful--the plants are growing gloriously.
We love each of you--Mom
Hi, Phyllis! This former Florida girl would not laugh about that heat, either! I remember blessing the AC when I lived in FL! I think we had AC in the car and the house before the rest of the world knew it existed!!! Praying for cool weather for you all! Much Love, Baba Julie
No laughing from this quarter, either. Although our summer has been relatively mild, I think I would LIVE in a pond if it weren't for AC. You could find me at the cold waters of Rock Springs for sure!
So many pictures, so many favorites! Little Leetra showing us the stairs. Bubbleman! I think the head coming out of the squash plants is soooo cute!
Once again our weather is very similar. Everyone in Vermont was wilting last week (I was in Alabama enjoying air conditioning!). We returned during the weekend to a cold front -- today's high is supposed to be in the 60s, yeah. I tolerate the cold much better than heat (I can add clothes when I'm cold). We missed you in Alabama. We brought home a puppy from Aunt Malinda and Uncle Mac!!! She's adorable - Boston Terrier and Lab :) Our garden is also growing faster than we can believe. I hope you get relief from the heat.
cute pictures, Phyllis :) and thanks for the note! :)
Raia is really growing up, she looks alot older than 2 in the pic of her standing near the stairs
Phyllis, I'm so glad to see Ira's sister's husband(temporarily forgot her name) in the picture. It's good to know that they're still together and that he's still taking part in church activities. Are they regulars?
I feel for you with the heat. I thought I was wilting last summer when I was there- and I wasn't pregnant!
oh wait, did I not look at that picture close enough? Is that Nastya's husband/boyfriend or was I right? Now I'm confused.
Anna, I'll just give you all the names in the photo. Nastya is on the left, and it looks like her husband (Slava) is standing on her head. Then Yulia, Ira, Sasha (Lena's husband), Will, Pavel, Tanya, and most of the children. Lena (Ira's sister) a few of the children are missing from the photo.
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