Monday, July 27, 2009

First day of camp!

We're headed out to the first day of camp at the church here. Please pray for all to go well. It's just a day camp, but so much work goes into it. Pray for strength for the workers. Will and I were up until 1:00 preparing, and I'm sure others got even less sleep. Pray for children to come and be touched by what they see and hear. Our own children are so excited that they can hardly contain themselves! I'll be going just to be with them and the other little children and try to help in whatever way I can. Will is in charge of the music. Pray especially for Yana and Lena, who are leading this year; before they've had someone from outside come in to lead, so this is their first time.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Do let us know how everything goes...