Our two days of hoarfrost were lovely!*
Jaan... finally figured out one of the mysteries of music school: how to get choir music. The poor guy is baffled by so much that would be everyday life for children who go to regular school. Now he knows what a copy machine is, and that he actually has to say that, yes, he needs copies of the songs.
Raia... has especially been enjoying the snow. She and Jaan both just roll in it and flop around and yell like crazy things. Raia buries her head in the snow, just for the fun of it.
Asya... likes the snow, too, but she doesn't last as long outside as the older two do. They play outside together, and then Raia sweetly brings her home, when Asya can't take any more. Asya comes through the door yelling, "I'm here! Make me cocoa!" I'm working on getting a please into that.
Baby... has an officially tuberculosis-free Papa. Not that we ourselves had any questions about that, but Will was required to get chest x-rays this week so that we can officially be allowed to have a baby.
Will... is working on his wonderful housewife skills. I've been feeling slow and tired and "foggy," so he's stepped up how much he does with housework and cooking and childcare. He's also been working on domestic relations with the neighbor below us. We've had a few plumbing disasters, and with the last one, the neighbor was very mad (and drunk). They've worked up to where their last exchange was peaceful, though.
School this week: We finished Week 19. Again, I think the highlight was Shakespeare: A Winter's Tale this time. Also, we're really enjoying Just So Stories. Jaan gets to listen to an audio version in Russian, and then I read the English to him, and that works really well for him.
My books: I have a lot going, but I don't think I finished anything this week. No, I take that back. I zipped through Starlighter. It's not my kind of book, but it was fun to read, and I know the author.
Will... is working on his wonderful housewife skills. I've been feeling slow and tired and "foggy," so he's stepped up how much he does with housework and cooking and childcare. He's also been working on domestic relations with the neighbor below us. We've had a few plumbing disasters, and with the last one, the neighbor was very mad (and drunk). They've worked up to where their last exchange was peaceful, though.
School this week: We finished Week 19. Again, I think the highlight was Shakespeare: A Winter's Tale this time. Also, we're really enjoying Just So Stories. Jaan gets to listen to an audio version in Russian, and then I read the English to him, and that works really well for him.
My books: I have a lot going, but I don't think I finished anything this week. No, I take that back. I zipped through Starlighter. It's not my kind of book, but it was fun to read, and I know the author.

...and knitting: I finished my December afghan square today, but I haven't posted photos yet. I also made a really cute, quick little pair of baby mitts. Other than that, I've been really frustrated with my various projects. I started a great baby blanket pattern, which got me back into crocheting, but then ran out of that yarn. Everything seems to be stuck, waiting for yarn or inspiration. Hopefully both are coming soon!
Weather and nature observations: My favorite kind of weather! It's been cold, clear, sunny, and hoarfrost on the trees.
Other news, ministry, notes and miscellaneous from the week: Someone we've tried to help before showed up again in Dneprorudnoe, and he's in bad shape. Please pray for Will to know what to do with him. At this point, until he actually wants help and not just money for his next drink, we're having to ignore his calls and knocks on our door.
On this (actually, yesterday's) date in. . . 2004: I'm going with yesterday's date again, because the pictures and memories there are just so much fun!
On this (actually, yesterday's) date in. . . 2004: I'm going with yesterday's date again, because the pictures and memories there are just so much fun!