Friday, May 27, 2011

Bogdan's first dacha day

We had a good visit with Will's sister, Anna, even though she got really sick while she was here and each of our older children threw up a few times in sympathy with her. Once she recovered, we had a dacha day together.


Mom said...

Delightful post...thank you! We love you.

Baba Julie said...

Thanks for the pictures! So sweet! Love you all!

Katie said...

Phyllis, look at me commenting! ;o) I love reading about your dacha days, but I have always wondered: what exactly is the dacha? Is it a vacation cabin?

Phyllis said...

I guess you could say it's a vacation cabin. :-) The more important part for most people is that it's a garden cabin. People work more than vacation at their dachas, but it's fun work. Dachas are big part of Russian culture and very necessary for many. Ours is just for fun, and it's definitely the best $500 we've ever spent!