Thursday, June 13, 2013

From Raia

I had an idea of writing a blog post by asking each child what they thought of Kherson. Raia loved the idea, but she wanted to do it by herself. Below is her completely unedited blog post, and then my translation of it:
мы жили рядом с рекой Днепр и там много рыбаков и мы видели две гадюки и Ян словил здоровенную пиявку. и рядом  снами была котельная и шелковица и возле нас был парк и в нём ест малинки парк аттракционный Херсон нармални город но болшое я запомнила некоторие места я помню толка одно названия улица ушакова мы там были на втором этажэ унас были болшие комноти там ми розбили пят чашок и одну тирелку там вся посуда стикляноя толка немношка глиининое пасуди было весила но не очень весило кагда Ян заболэл витрянкое кагда ми все зобалели ветрянкое кроми Мами и Папи и Жени это наш кот  не заболэл наш хамяк карликови Славик и наша криса Дина это все наши звери я думаю мне пора ПОКА ВСЕМ!

we lived by the Dnepr River and there are lots of fishermen there and we saw two vipers and Jaan caught a huge leech. and near us there was a boiler house (?) and a mulberry tree and beyond that was a park and in it is a small amusement park Kherson is a nice city but it's big I remembered a few places I remember only one street name Ushakova Street we were on the second floor there we had big rooms we broke five cups and one bowl there all the dishes were glass with only a few ceramic dishes it was fun but not very fun when Jaan got sick with chicken pox when we all got sick with chicken pox except Mama and Papa and Zhenya that's our cat our dwarf hamster Slavic didn't get sick and our rat Dina that's all our animals I think it's time for me to go GOODBYE EVERYONE!

Wow. What do you think of unedited, unchecked, almost-eight-year-old stream of consciousness writing?


Mom said...

I think it's magnificent! She certainly expresses what was important to her.

Love to Raia...and everyone else.

3girlsmom said...

Hey Phyllis! The girls wanted to send Raia a message. Hope this translates. (Thank you, Google translate)

Уважаемая Рая, Ваши родственники в Америке хотел сказать тебе привет! Мы живем в Алабаме. Мы с удовольствием читаю о Вас и Вашей семье и молюсь за вас ежедневно! Любовь, Мария Эмма, Тейт, и Камилла

Baba Julie said...

I LOVE it! She did a great job and she expresses herself very well! And, she has a birthday TOMORROW!! Did the birthday pkg arrive yet? Love you all!!

Ребекка Сташко said...

Awesome! It is fun to see them think, isn't it?!

Alissa Maxwell said...

I love hearing what stands out in the minds of the kids. The notes about the dishes that were broken are especially precious. I know you are translating, but her vocabulary seems impressive - the difference between glass and ceramic dishes, etc. Cool!