Sunday, May 05, 2019

No news

It is still just so good to be home! Jaan came home from his backpacking trip today, too, so now everyone is here. I think he's just as glad to be home as I am.

I haven't written, because there hasn't been any news. The electricity was off on Friday, too, so it wouldn't have worked to write then anyway. (Lately the online electricity schedule has been amusingly exact. They used to write 9:00-17:00 and such. Not anymore. One day last week it was supposed to be off 11:08-11:41. Friday it was just from 11:46, though, without an end time; it came back toward evening.)

Anyway, we're just waiting for results from Kyiv and for my discharge papers from the hospital here. Will went back to get the latter Friday and Saturday, but they weren't ready. Tomorrow I'll go get my stitches taken out, and maybe they'll be ready then. If someone calls from Kyiv, Will might go to pick up everything from them on Tuesday. We'll see.


Dawn said...

Thanks for the update, even if it is "no news yet."

Mom said...

Even without news we greatly appreciate "hearing your voice." Prayers continue. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Phyllis. We are praying and love you all! Julie/Mom/Baba