We're still here. The glaciers in our windows are receding, and we haven't frozen. The computer is just almost constantly in use for Gospelink and other important purposes, so I haven't had a chance to write. Here are some recent questions that I haven't had time to answer:
Q. Is the building heat still on?
A. Yes. It wouldn't go off during a big cold spell like this.
Q. Do you have hot water?
A. Yes, and it sure is nice!
Q. Is the electricity still on?
A. Yes, and I wouldn't expect it to go off either.
Q. How cold is it inside the apartment?
A. I don't know exactly. It's "sweatshirt weather" in here.
Q. Who loaned you the heater?
A. The Korneichuks.
Q. Did you have church? I just wondered because they said schools were called off in Moscow this past Thurs and Fri.
A. Yes. It was a little warmer yesterday. The schools in this area were closed all of last week, though.
Q. I always thought of the flats as being too warm!! I guess that's not the case in Kovrov, huh?
A. It just depends on the weather. These buildings were made to handle cold, but if it's COLD out, they can't quite keep up. In cold weather, it might be overly warm, but in COLD weather, it does get cool inside.

Q. How is Raia doing with crawling?
A. I say that she's crawling; Will says that she's not. True, she's not crawling straight forward, but she's moving all over. So far, it seems like crawling is an art, not a science, for her. She's working on a new sport called "figure crawling" (like figure skating). She does a loop around forwards, then backwards, then she slowly and majestically raises an arm as high as it will go and poses like that, then another time around, then a leg up in the air. . . . The only time she moves efficiently is when Jaan helps: Raia lies on her tummy in a Superman position, and Jaan pushes her from behind. Then she flies over our linoleum floors!
This is just a cute picture from last night:
Mark and Jaan
Originally uploaded by fylliska.