Thursday, June 04, 2009

Day of Ascension

You may have noticed that the Easter music is gone. The Easter season is wrapping up. It officially ends on Sunday, with the day of Trinity or Pentecost. A week ago today we celebrated Christ's Ascension. Instead of going to church, we had our own little holiday at our dacha. First they climbed the "mountain," to "find Jesus" one last time.

Jaan found him, and then we sat and read the story of Christ's last appearance to his disciples and how He went up into heaven after that.  

Once we had read the story, they acted it out. Jaan took care of the technical details, while Raia managed the clouds that hid Jesus from sight. Asya was just excited. They enjoyed that so much that we did it several times over.  

Then the Bible says that Jesus' friends "worshipped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy." So, we worshipped and lit fireworks to show our joy!

1 comment:

Mom said...

What a fitting and beautiful celebration!