We've really been enjoying the cold, snowy days here! I should post pictures of children sledding, but I haven't gotten any. It's cold enough that I don't like to take my mittens off outside. Plus, when we're out there, I already have too much to juggle. We've been out on the sledding hill by the nearest school almost every morning this past week. Bogdan sleeps, and the older children have a great time!

After some snow time

Sweet helper
Of course, even on snow days, we have school time. Usually Bogdan is taking his afternoon nap then, but one day this week he was up. Jaan was listening to
The Burgess Animal Book, and Bogdan was just fascinated by the picture we had open to go with it. When it was time for Jaan to narrate back, I asked him to explain to Bogdan what he had just heard. It was the sweetest narration ever! Full of detail and punctuated by Bogdan's loud and admiring commentary.

Brothers in school
Random cuteness:

Laundry helper

I didn't mean to upload this one, but it's cute, too.
I realized that I had photos of only three children here, so here's the one who was left out:

A picture of Raia
And, last but not least, we had a fun day yesterday. One of the couples at church made it to their 50th wedding anniversary!

The "newlyweds"
We had a lovely tea time, to honor them and their long marriage. When they were married, they were only able to have a civil ceremony, without any celebration, so this took the place of what they missed back then. Some of the youth planned and organized the whole thing, and it really was a special event.
Delightful photos! Our congratulations to the honored couple.
Love you...
Do you have a pattern for Raia's headband?
Better email it if you do, because I'll forget to come back here and check! lol
Kathy, are you on Ravelry? It's a free pattern there.
Oh, Phyllis! The anniversary celebration was so touching! Please congratulate them for us, too!
And, of course, we can NEVER get enough of our sweet grandchildren! LOVE Jaan narrating to Bogdan! Love to all!
Such sweet pictures! We've been doing a cold weather story about Ukraine every day this week - it's been the biggest news story in Europe for a few days in a row....crazy! Glad you guys are braver than I am to venture out and enjoy it :)
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