Last time I said that we were waiting to find out what the changes in the visa laws mean for us. Will went today to find out, and it looks like they really don't change anything significantly. The wording in our invitation letters might be a little different. As usual, we'll have to leave the country and renew, when those are ready; a slight difference is that we'll come back with 45-day visas, instead of year-long. They'll register us for a year, though, just like before. And we'll even be able to extend that registration for another year, like we've been doing.
Of course, that's probably only how the law is being interpreted right here in this one region. Please keep praying for people who are in different areas, where it isn't so easy. And keep praying for us; documents are never simple.
Here's something else: in Russia there's a great email list for anyone ministering there. As far as I know, there's nothing like it here. If I were to start one, would you join and participate? We could talk about visas there, among other things.... (If you don't want to answer in the comments, please write:
Hey! We are adoring parents and parents-in-law, too! (: Praying for you all as you go through this process! Love you all!
For us, so far our biggest hurdle is even getting an invitation. They are sending us in big circles here, and it is looking pretty unlikely that we are even going to get past that first step. I remember that our visas are running out around the same time that ours are... March... so praying for you too!
I meant to say, "I remember that YOUR visas are running out around the same time that ours are..."
Jolene, they ran Will around yesterday: OVIR to oblastnaya admin. and back. They were able to come to a decision, though. Someone mentioned something about doing it at a national level; maybe that would be an option for you? I am praying! God will make a way.
I know of another family and their co-workers who are waiting for invitations that are taking longer than expected. Please pray for them, too.
As far as I know, once you get an invitation letter through the organization hosting you (and they have to be recognized as a sponsoring organization by the govt), it goes to OVIR, than to Ministry of Cultural Affairs in the capital. Our invitation letters are currently in that process. Will be praying for all who are in the initial stages!
I'd definitely be interested in an email list. We got a 3 year multi-entry visa last summer before everything changed, but we've heard if we leave Ukraine before it expires, it will be voided. Basically, it is no longer a multi-entry.
We are in the Lugansk Oblast and I have already received the 45-day visa (religious) and the registration (1-year). The letter of invitation goes first to the Oblast OVIR and then to the UKraine Ministry of Culture in Kiev. Once you have the Invitation with the ministry of culture stamp on it, you can go to your favorite country with a Ukrainian Consulate (I went to Kishinau, Moldova) to get your 45-day visa. Note, that your 45-day period starts the day of issue of your visa. You will then go to your Regional passport office (in your regional Militia office) and take a lot of documents of your own and of the inviting organization. Our Oblast OVIR processes the registration (Temporary Vidno Zhitel'stvo) only through the Regional passport office. All of this said, it took 43 days for me, the Regional Militia office (lack of experience with new law) and the OVIR to get it done. If the visa expires, you will need to start over again. :o(. Don't mess around with the time! Blessings. if you want to know more:
Bruce MacDonald
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