(...чи Хансакеры в Херсоне?)
Stories and photos from the daily life of "the Ukrainian Hunsuckers"
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Just shall Live by Faith...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Court Date, anyone?

Monday, October 29, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Hunsucker Document-ary Continues

In this installment, I would like to turn your attention to the following word:
c.1450, "teaching, instruction," from Medieval French document "lesson, written evidence," from Latin documentum "example, proof, lesson," in Medieval Latin "official written instrument,"
from docere "to show, teach". Meaning "something written that provides proof or evidence" is from 1727; the verb meaning "to support by documentary evidence" is from 1711.
Note that in this etymological definition, both the concept of 'proof' and of a 'lesson/instruction' are given as origins of the modern word.
I must say that for me, both concepts have been an integral part of my experience over the past two weeks. I have been learning and studying. I have been being taught, have learned many good lessons, and have most definitely received much instruction!
This being instructed and receiving instruction was all related to my giving proof that I want to live in Russia, reciting examples showing that I have not broken the laws out of evil intent, and demonstrating evidence that, having been given the chance to learn and change my ways, I have completely and fully complied with my local authorities.

So, what's going on? Enough etymology, right?
I have indeed re-entered Russia, with completely legal documents.
That is to say the following is now true:
1) The stated purpose of my being in Russia, written on my visa, does indeed correspond 150% with my actual activities here in Kovrov.
2) No less importantly, the inviting organization does actually have a corresponding branch in Kovrov which will take full responsibility for me as a foreign citizen here upon their behalf.
That being true of myself and my personal documents which give evidence of my desire to lawfully sojourn within the Russian Federation, I am now able to be registered at my 'point of arrival', that is, Kovrov! (HooRAH!)
This is the first time this has been possible for us. Therefore, I am indeed learning, and receiving much instruction! This has been a constant process since re-entering Russia last Thursday, as a matter of fact. My current status is that I have turned in my documents in time to be registered, so I am in safe. However, I haven't been registered yet, not due to any lack of effort on my part, but simply due to the fact that I am the first foreigner in Kovrov who has desired to be registered on a religious visa as working with the local Russian Baptist church. The migration control decided they needed a few more... yes, documents!

They would like to have copies of documents showing proof of the following: that Pavel Korneichuk has the right to sign documents as the head of the local Russian Baptist church; and that the Kovrov Church of Evangelical-Christian Baptists is indeed a branch of the Russian Union of Evangelical-Christian Baptists. We do have these, and I have been asked to bring them in to the local Migration Control office this Tuesday. Then I will be officially registered. (Assuming that they find no need for further documentation!)
Praise God for bureaucrats who are striving to see the law enforced and yet are willing to go to the trouble of working through our family's circumstances and reasons for being in the position we are.
Please believe me, I am not being sarcastic in the least - praise and thank God with us!! After all, we know that God is the One who is truly in control, and we have truly seen that 'the heart of the king is in the hands of the Lord - like a river of water, He turns it wherever He so desires'.
About Phyllis -
Please keep praying for us as we try to complete this same document process for Phyllis and the children. Our problem up until now has been that she was refused an invitation in Moscow, and the Russian Baptist Union headquarters in Moscow doesn't contest any refusals, or intercede for those they are attempting to invite.
At this point, we have begun the process of applying for invitations through the Vladimir-Ivanovo branch of the Russian Baptist Union. They are a branch of the national union, yet they are also a separate legal entity in and of themselves. They have the right to invite foreigners to Russia, but have not done so previously through the Vladimir region migration control. Therefore, first we had to begin the process of applying for/registering as a local organization inviting foreigners into Vladimir region. This involves a whole pile of... yes, you guessed it - documents!
Please pray for Sergei Burdachov, the Vladimir-Ivanovo Baptist Union's lawyer, as he gathers these documents and submits them. Pray that he would be able to do so as quickly as possible, he is a very busy man. Also pray that once they have been submitted, that the process of registering the bi-regional union and applying for invitations could be as short as possible. Usually this would entail a couple of months' time - we naturally want to amend our situation in a more timely manner, in fact, as quickly as humanly possible.
Please do keep this step in your prayers. We are taking things one day at a time, which is the only thing we can do. Each step of the way, we have seen God's provision as we have trusted ourselves to Him. Praise God with us for His faithfulness, and keep praying!!
When and if we pass this step in the process, we will leave all together for the Ukraine to apply for visas for Phyllis and the children. Pray with us that God would provide the needed finances for this trip. By my calculations, it should cost roughly twice as much as the amount we presently have left in our bank account!

Assuming God brings us all through this stage with all of our documents in order, we will immediately begin the process of applying for 'temporary residence'. This again, requires a fairly thick pile of documents, medical certificates, etc. However, if granted, we will have a... right you are once again, a DOCUMENT that allows us to live for three years in Russia, and re-register only once a year.
Sounds almost too good to be true. It is definitely something to be praying about even now - there is a quota, after all.
That, in short, is where we are now in the process. I apologize for not being able to give more of a Readers' Digest Condensed Version
...but DOCUMENTaries are usually lengthy, detail-filled, drawn out affairs, are they not?

PS. Please pray specifically for God to soften the hearts of these men: Oleg, the head of the Kovrov migration control office, and Mikhail, the person in Vladimir responsible for approving invitations and registering inviting organizations.
Thursday, October 25, 2007

But, I was going to write about our big girl, since I never got back to that yesterday. (Will's actually home all day today, so I have time to write!) I would love to know how much Asya weighs; she's definitely growing. In the past week or so, we've noticed that she's "waking up." She wants to look around and interact with her world a little bit now. Her older siblings still tend to completely overwhelm her, but she's interested in them. They still want to hold her all the time. She's turned into a pacifier baby. I don't know exactly what I think about that, but everyone should be thrilled. (I damaged the other two for life by not giving them pacifiers.

I still have time, so I'll keep going. . . .
Jaan has decided very recently that he's going to speak English. It's very fun, and very funny, and he's making great progress. By the end of a day, I usually feel like my brain is scrambled from answering his English questions, keeping up with Raia's Russian babble, and interpreting Asya's own language, but like I said, Jaan is making progress. A few nights ago he asked me "Как сказать ещё?" I told him "more," so he said, "I vant more eat." I asked what he wanted more of, and he said, "Как сказать beans с cheeseом?" So, we repeated "beans with cheese" a few times. Then he decided to put it together: "Please vant more beans with cheeseом!"

I should write a little about Raia: she was helping me, by sitting and talking to Asya. I thought they would be safe for a second, so I turned my back. I heard a little squeak from Asya and turned back to find, "I hold her by myself, Mama!"

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
One month old!

Big girl!
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
I would love to write all about our sweet Asya. Maybe I'll have time later today. . . .
Monday, October 22, 2007
My treasures

Three in a row
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
I took so many of these, trying to get a good one. I guess this is okay.
I was hoping to be able to say that Will got his visa registered today. After a whole day of sitting at the passport office and running around for different documents, he says that he thinks he will be registered soon. So, keep praying. Tomorrow he'll be leaving for Vladimir at 5:00 in the morning to meet up with the lawyer and start working on invitations for the rest of us.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Brother and sisters

Loving her. . .
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

. . . or smothering her?
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

"Mama, she's hugging me!"
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
You might not be able to tell, but Asya had her arms wrapped around Jaan's hand. He was thrilled and announced that she was hugging him: "That means she loves me!"
Will came home last night!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Today's news

Here in Kovrov we're enjoying the snow through the windows.

"All by ourselves!"
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
This was from yesterday. Remember, they were supposed to be getting ready to go out in the snow.

And Raia kept going
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Yes, she has two pairs of underwear on over her pants.

Watching Jaan
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
We did send him out by himself for a while this morning. Raia and I played on the balcony and watched him. At one point she pointed out a dog to me. In an effort to get her talking more, I asked her to describe it:
"Yes, and. . . ?"
"And. . .?"
"Not tasty!"

"We love Asya!"
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Obviously, this is from before Will left. You can see what Asya faces every time she opens her eyes.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Originally uploaded by fylliska.
I've already sent this photo to a few people, but it's so funny and such a common sight now, that I'm posting it here. Raia sucks her pointer finger; she's decided that Asya needs the next finger.
Thank you to those of you who are praying for Will. He found a place that does AIDS tests really fast, so he'll be heading to Ukraine tonight, which should cut a day off of the length of his trip. Hurrah! Keep praying that everything else will go just as well.
We're doing well here. We woke up to an unusual fall-winter beauty this morning. The birch trees haven't dropped their golden leaves yet, but they were all powdered with snow! We've been talking a lot about seasons lately, so I keep catching Jaan and Raia at the window, arguing:
"Look, it's winter!"
"No, autumn!"
They're full of plans for skiing and sledding. . . .
Monday, October 15, 2007
Will's leaving for Moscow at 5:00 tomorrow morning. Hopefully, he'll be able to get his required AIDS test done there tomorrow and have results by the next day. Then he'll leave for Kiev on Wednesday, arrive there Thursday morning, do one-day visa processing, get back on a train to Moscow that night, arrive in Moscow Friday morning, and be home by late Friday night. All of that is assuming that everything goes perfectly smoothly and easily. . . so you know what to pray for!
"Who cares about visas?"
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Light At The End Of The Tunnel...

Friday, October 12, 2007
Moscow trip
Our trip to Moscow for Asya's passport was actually quite fun!

The tape player!
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
The Sullivans remembered how much Jaan had liked this tape player before, and this time they gave it to him! He hasn't been able to put it down since.

Feeding the turtles
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Biology 101
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
With the turtles, the seashells, and the birds, Jaan and Raia got to explore and observe all kinds of natural wonders.

Bagel makers
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
And then they made bagels with Aunt Roz. They had so much fun! Raia was up on the table, actually wallowing in the flour. Roz washed their clothes for us before we left.

Sarah and Asya
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
The quote of the trip was from Raia, as we were running for our train on the way back. Will was encouraging Jaan to keep running and run faster, when Raia piped up from her comfy seat, "I'm running in my stroller!"

Monday, October 08, 2007
Cute baby photos

Passport photos
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Getting ready for our trip to Moscow tomorrow!
I thought there might be some people out there needing a cute baby fix:

Flying baby
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Playing together
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
He wants to play with her so badly! Jaan just can't wait until Asya wakes up, so that he can show her toys, talk to her, and interact with her. It's probably not much fun for him yet, but so cute.

Ready for church
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Asya went to church for the first time yesterday. We took a taxi to get there, and she was wide-eyed for her first time in a car. Once we got to church, she promptly fell asleep, and behaved herself very well all through the service.
This isn't a baby, but it's still cute:

Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Jaan and Raia are obsessed with cutting these days. Most mornings we have a craft time, because I'm not quite ready to be taking them outside morning and afternoon every day. I keep suggesting that we glue or draw or something else, but all they want to do is cut. And even outside of our craft times, they'll sit for ages, chopping papers into tiny pieces. Their scissors are the first thing they ask for when they wake up, and they carry them around with them throughout the day.
Oh! I just checked the weather forecast: snow on Saturday!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
My Document Folder Floweth Over...
like this would be fun to share. This is what I had in my folder when
I came home, nothing added for effect, just stuff I've been carrying
around to one place or another over the past week or so.
But, we have a birth certificate!
Friday, October 05, 2007
I went to Moscow, consulted our visa expert. (Whose visas we're currently here on.)
He said that he could almost certainly get Phyllis a visa... IF the Baptist Union would write a nice long letter interceding on our behalf. This letter would be something like a confession of past sins and a plea for mercy. We would explain the circumstances which resulted in Phyllis having 2 black marks against her, plead ignorance, good intentions, etc. We would also explain the family situation, that is: 2 small children, a newborn baby, and that her husband already HAS an invitation. (This might not help in the states, but often does here.) The Baptist Union would declare their intentions of making sure we fulfill 150 percent of all migration laws, etc.
He said with a letter like that from the inviting organization, as well as a similar letter from his company, that there would be a very good chance of getting the visas. He would take these letters straight to the head of migration control in Moscow.
However - the first time Phyllis' application for an invitation was refused, our visa consultant suggested something similar. I asked about this at the Baptist Union, and was very firmly, if politely, told no way, no how, sorry charley, que lastima. They turn in documents, and if the applications are approved, then it was the Will of God, Praise God! If the applications are turned down, then it was the Will of God, Praise God and say sorry sir or ma'am. I did my best to protest, plead, etc., but they do have sound reasoning. They invite around 1500 foreigners a year, and almost all of those are approved. If they start making a fuss about the handful that are turned down, then they could easily find the number of applications approved and visas issued halved overnight.
SO... I was going to go over to the Baptist Union immediately and try again to discuss this with the person able to make such decisions. When I called, I found out that he was on vacation until the 15th of October. Aaaaand so...
One of the guests at our church's Zhatva service was the Bishop/head of our bi-regional (Vladimir-Ivanovo) union of churches. He offered to help, to write any sort of letter that was needed. The bi-regional union was also one of the inviting organizations, since we live out here, they in particular would be responsible for us as foreigners. We discussed this more in detail at the pastor/missionary meeting the next week, and I spent a good while working out a draft of the kind of letter we need with the bi-regional union's legal consultant. (A Russian christian lawyer who is doing missions work as well as helping the 24 churches in our 2 regions with any and all legal questions. Praise God for him.)
It is POSSIBLE that we could have Phyllis invited solely through the local bi-regional union. They have the legal ability to do so. We should have a definite answer within the week, Lord willing. We will keep you all informed.
Please be praying with us. We are convinced that since God has us in Russia, has given us a love for this country, and has provided for and protected us these past 6 years (!), that the right thing to do is to keep trying to work this out, to keep pressing on to a conclusion. And if worse comes to worse, then move back to Moscow until we can come up with some other option document wise that would allow us to live and minister in Kovrov.
Thanks so much to each and every friend or relative who is praying for us and concerned about our future here. We believe that the results of all of this are truly in the Lord's hands, and therefore, the more fervent intercession on our behalf, the better! We can keep trying, but the single most effective thing we can do is to keep praying. God is the only one who can move the hearts of those He has allowed to be in places of power in this world.
Keep Praying!!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
A walk

Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Fall beauty
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Another fall beauty
Originally uploaded by fylliska.