Monday, February 10, 2014

The next few days

I'm doing something that I've never done before: planning out schoolwork for Jaan and Raia to do on their own tomorrow and the next day.

Will and I both need to be present in Vasilevka (near where we used to live) in order to unregister there. So, we're splitting our older three children up among friends here, and taking Bogdan with us on an overnight trip. We've never done anything like this. Please pray for every single detail to work out well. Will went and talked to the bus driver, since we've had trouble with this particular bus schedule not being very reliable in the past. The driver assured him that they'll be running without fail this week. The bus should get us there at 4:00, and the office doesn't close until 5:00. Will also called to be sure that one hour should be enough time to get through the lines and do whatever paperwork needs to be done. Then we plan to come back the next day. So, I feel like we've done everything we can from our end to make sure it will work, but I don't want to be away from our children any longer than that. (So thankful that we have friends here who want to host them, though!)

Please pray!


Loving Life said...

ABSOLUTELY praying! Travel safe!

Baba Julie said...

We will be praying! Love you all!

Mom said...

Prayers and love….

Betsy de Cruz said...

Oh Lord, give them success and help them get back!

I'm guessing you're travelling today. I can so relate to your not wanting to leave the kids for long...

Caleb Suko said...

We've split our kids a number of times for things like this, in fact we have three with us now and 2 with grandparents. Praying that you get the paperwork done!