Thursday, August 27, 2015

Indiana/Florida trip, part 8

(No one mentioned that my numbering in this series stuttered. I just went back and fixed that. I think.)

We finally get to Florida! My flight was late getting out of Chicago, and it was an evening flight anyway, so I pretty much arrived and went to bed.

The next day, my sister and sweet nieces came over. I gave presents...

(All photos after this are from Mom.)
...and got to know them again. Last time I saw them Isla was 3, and Aliana was a baby, so we were almost starting from scratch. I desperately missed having my own children there, because they all would have had so much fun together, but I also enjoyed being without them and therefore able to focus on the others.

Great Grandma came down for lunch:

And then I guess it was that evening that we went shopping. Mom and Dad took me to Trader Joe and Target (? or Walmart?).

By the lake behind the stores
So, it was a nice, quiet family day, and I enjoyed it very much.


Baba Julie said...

Very nice! I know they enjoyed having you with them for a few days!! We look forward to seeing you all before too long!! Love to each of you!

Mom said...

What happy memories for us! We love you.