Sunday, August 20, 2006

"Showers of blessing"

Last night there was a big thunderstorm. Rain is still falling now.
And. . .
(drum roll please)
We don't have any wet spots!

Thank you, Lord!


Lindy Johnson said...

Wish you could send Will and his crew our way. The rain this weekend was a soaker inside and out but we have plenty of hot water! Happy belated birthday, wish we could go to the Putt Putt place and have a celebration.

Alissa Maxwell said...

I was on vacation last week and didn't get to read about your roof woes until this morning. So glad to hear that the roof is holding and you at least have the support and cooperation of SOME neighbors in the fix.

Happy Birthday to you as well. I've decided that each of us reaches a birthday that suddenly feels out of place. That was me this year at 28, but I'm sure others get there at 22 or not until 57. Glad to hear that Will made your week extra special! Here's wishing you another full and blessed year!
=) Alissa