We've been spending our mornings out in the snow, and our after-nap time having fun inside. This morning we went sliding on a little ice slide at a local school. It's the perfect size for preschoolers. Once the big kids came out, it was a little too scary. Jaan and I were afraid of all the pileups, but Raia still thought it was great! She kept diving right in, and I was terrified that she would get squished. I brought Jaan and Raia home exhausted and starving. Now they're asleep.
Yesterday, Raia had her first experience with watercolors:
Originally uploaded by fylliska.
Hanging up her work
Originally uploaded by fylliska.I'm having trouble posting pictures, so this will have to be continued later. . . .
That precious toddler intensity....Is Raia really left handed, or does she switch according to the whim of the moment?
Thank you for making the effort to provide Jaan and Raia such a rich range of experiences and for providing us with pictures of them enjoying those activities.
We love each of you.
She seems to be at least mostly left handed, but she still switches quite often. :-)
Smiles....from your left-handed mother
And your left handed aunt, uncle, and cousin! Poor Will is the only right handed person in the family. Creativity runs in the family. The pictures are great.
I should have clarified "our" Will is the only right handed person or as he says "little Will" as opposed to "your" Will or "big Will" :)
and Will Hunsucker's uncle Larry Hunsucker is left-handed. But Will, his sisters, his Mom and I are all right-handed. For whatever that's worth...
And I was born left handed. My first grade teacher made me switch. I was ambidexterous from then on. I write equally poorly with either hand. I shot left handed until about 10 years ago when I noticed that my left-eye dominance had changed to right-eye dominance. I relearned shooting from the right side.
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