Thursday, November 23, 2006

Arts and crafts, part 4: finished projects

I think these are the last photos I had on this theme. Jaan and I made another fitted sheet and a "sleeping bag" for his trains. Then we made this organizer to hang by our door:

Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Here's our finished Thanksgiving display! We had a lovely day, and we hope you did, too. True, it wasn't much of a holiday for us, since Will's gone, but we're thankful anyway, of course. We made another paper turkey and a pumpkin pie for our English teacher neighbor, but when we went to take them to her, she wasn't home. Jaan was terribly disappointed, so we left a note asking her to come up when she got home. Not too much later, she came in with a huge book of Pushkin for me to borrow and a whole stack of books to give to Jaan. We sat and talked for a long time, and Jaan was thrilled to be able to give her the turkey he had made for her.

Will had to wait longer for our visas, so he missed his train home, but he did get the visas at last! He'll come in on a night train, then to the bank first thing in the morning and on to Vladimir as fast as he can. (For the beginning of the story, you can read what I wrote in our prayer requests.) Please pray for strength for him and for everything to go quickly and smoothly at the bank, so that he can get to Vladimir in time.

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