Friday, November 03, 2006

Our transportation

I've been too busy knitting, sewing, baking, playing (and not feeling good yesterday ) to post anything here for a few days. The fact that our church is again homeless and nomadic is keeping Will busy, too.

Here are some older photos, showing how we get around:

Originally uploaded by fylliska.

Originally uploaded by fylliska.

(It's too bad Raia's making a face like that. She really does love riding with Jaan.)

To continue the theme, I should get a photo of a trolleybus, but that's not as interesting, and it's not our own private transportation. Pretty soon we'll be switching to sleds for the children; Jaan can't wait!


Mrs said...

I absolutely LOVE the tricycle picture! It should be on a postcard or something!

When I was pregnant with Glenna and needed to rush through the store, I used to put Tyler on my back, hold Kelly in front, and run! It was quite comical, holding all my children at once.

We did the stroller thing too (stand on back, baby in front). Seeing you all in jackets makes me long for cool weather! In the 80's here yesterday.

Phyllis said...

Oh, the stroller picture was from over a month ago. :-) Now we have knee-deep slush everywhere, and we're wearing even thicker coats. I remember riding like that behind Leetra when we were little, and I remember when her stroller finally gave up the ghost in Solvang. I was standing like Jaan does now, and it pinched me. Ouch!

I can't imagine running and holding three children (one inside, two outside) like you described!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute pictures!

In trying to straighten out my collection of links I found this one--it could only have been saved with you in mind.

Hope you feel better soon,

--Stephanie in AR

Mrs said...

Forgive me for forgetting to ask. . .why is your church nomadic again? How can we pray?

Maybe God will give you the opportunity to try the child carrying method. ;-) A pregnant belly makes a great shelf for a toddler to sit upon!

Anonymous said...

Oh fun pictures! Looking at them though makes me realize how very far apart we are. Today is a little breezy- in the high 60s after raining a bit. It actually got cool enough for me to put on a light sweater! PTL!! But, nothing like coat weather. Probably by the time the baby arrives, it will be getting cooler... =)

Are you all healthy? Everyone is getting sick at work. It causes me pray for you as you enter cooler weather and run the risk of catching your own set of germs.

Phyllis! I got your package! I almost cried. I can't wait to put the little hat on the baby and take a picture for you to see. And the kids' picture was darling. Thank you so much for going to all that trouble to brighten my day. Love to you all!!

Loving Life said...

Oh I love that Tricycle picture!! She is SO adorable!
Our weather here on the west coast is rainy, rainy, rainy. I don't mind though :) I'm enjoying a fire, tea, and the company of my big little boys. :)

Phyllis said...

What's going on with our church. . . .

Yes, Shannon, we're healthy. Thanks for asking, and pray that we'll stay that way! I can't stand it when the children are sick, even with minor colds. I'll pray that you don't get anything from your coworkers.

Jaan's out on the balcony, shoveling snow right now. So cute!

Phyllis said...

Stephanie, I just looked at that link. It will be great for sometime when we have access to a fast internet connection. I would love to explore it!