I have made some small changes along the way, but now I've decided to try something completely new. I tried to just change the colors and the header, but that template was too hard to work with, so I went with this one. I love seasons. I love winter, and since I couldn’t bring it with me, I'll let to make our blog reflect that beauty. I know, the family photo isn't wintery, but we're in Florida right now, and it is Florida winter. Also, my pretty winter weather sticker

What do you think? I'm very open to suggestions.
I may keep playing with more changes over the next little while. . . .
(I think we have something planned for every day in the next week, so I won't have time for computer play for a little while. We're having too much fun in real life!)
I think its fantastic. Praying for your new adventures with Him...
Peter and Family from Canada
(with the same weather as Kovrov I might add....;)
The first changes come from Will. He wanted bright blue instead of the plainer greys that I had chosen. (Actually, his first comment shows his personality: "Why'd you have to change it?" :-)
Any other suggestions?
Hey, the blog looks good. Change can be fun though I always enjoyed being able to see the temperature where you were at. It was fun to compare. I love the new family picture. I am glad to hear you are having so much fun. You should blog about the kids adjustments to English. You both are dear to my heart. Keep up your love for the Lord and desire to serve him where ever you are at.
I like it! The blue is nice and vibrant and everything is so easy to read. I also like that it is narrow, so it should show up well on most computers. My only comment is that your posts are running together (title of one smashed against the comment line of the last). I don't remember where in the code to change that, but I think it's with the title buffers... trial and error over and over!
Oh, and I LOVE the look of your new homepage. The computing gene in your blood shows proudly!
The blog looks GREAT, the kids look great and that car is great! You are sure to be safe in that car! Love to all of you! Enjoy one another!
Looks great! I like the blue color.
Laura T. :)
Great new family photo! I know you are enjoying your time with family and friends. We look forward to seeing you while you are in Charlotte.
Much love and continued prayers,
Dawn Dresser
Can you translate the title of this post? I think the new look is fabulous by the way. GREAT family photo! Having now seen Raia in person, it's funny that's she's always so serious in pictures. ;) Maybe she just needs a stick and she can be "the crazy girl"....;)
I agree with the comment that the entries seem to be smooshed together. Makes it a little tough to see where one ends and the other begins....but its better than my blog...i dont have one.
Peter and Family from Canada
Hi! I love the new picture! Shannon's right!! Raia always looks so serious and I'll bet she's not in person!! We're looking forward to seeing that silly side of her! Much Love, Baba Julie
Shannon, the title is something like "Renovation." It's one of those words that lots of people try to import into English. :-)
Yes, it does look like there should be more space between posts. I'll try to work on that later (unless Alissa just happens to figure out exactly what I should change).
Thanks everyone!
There. That was easy. :-)
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